Education, study and knowledge


Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy

Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy

In today's lesson we are going to travel to the universe of Dante Alighieri (1265-1321) to talk a...

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SUMMARY of the Apology of SOCRATES (written by Plato)

SUMMARY of the Apology of SOCRATES (written by Plato)

In today's lesson we are going to offer a Summary Socrates' Apology, a work written by Plato (If ...

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13 characteristics of PERSPECTIVISM in philosophy

13 characteristics of PERSPECTIVISM in philosophy

Welcome to a TEACHER! In today's lesson we are going to study the characteristics of perspectivis...

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FEUERBACH and MARX: similarities and differences [Summary + videos!]

FEUERBACH and MARX: similarities and differences [Summary + videos!]

In class today we are going to study the Similarities and differences between Feuerbach and Marx,...

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Differences between SOCRATES and the SOPHISTS

Differences between SOCRATES and the SOPHISTS

In today's lesson we are going to travel to Classical Greece (S. Live. C.) to talk about the phil...

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5 most important books by ORTEGA y GASSET

5 most important books by ORTEGA y GASSET

In today's class we are going to talk about the most outstanding books of the most important Span...

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11 characteristics of SOPHISTS in philosophy

11 characteristics of SOPHISTS in philosophy

In today's class we are going to talk about the main characteristics of the sophists, a group of ...

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3 important works of HIPARQUÍA

3 important works of HIPARQUÍA

In a PROFESOR we are going to travel to Ancient Greece to talk about Hiparchia (346-300 BC) C.), ...

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What is SOLIPSISM in philosophy

What is SOLIPSISM in philosophy

In this one-teacher philosophy class we are going to study what is solipsism and examples. A doct...

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What is the LOGOS in philosophy and what is its importance

What is the LOGOS in philosophy and what is its importance

In today's class of a Teacher we are going to talk about what is logos in philosophy and what is ...

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Types of SOLIPSISM in philosophy

Types of SOLIPSISM in philosophy

In today's class of a Teacher we are going to study the different types of solipsism that exist. ...

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8 characteristics of UTILITARIANISM in philosophy

8 characteristics of UTILITARIANISM in philosophy

In a Teacher we will study the characteristics of utilitarianism in philosophy, a movement that e...

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