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7 healthy dinners and how to prepare them step by step

To be healthy you have to eat healthy, and eating a minimum of three times a day is important. These meals must have a balance in both quantities and nutrients, this being essential to give the body what it needs without excesses.

Dinner is one of the most important times to eat. There are many healthy dinner alternatives that, in addition to being healthy, are delicious. In this article there are different healthy dinners and instructions to know how to prepare them step by step.

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7 healthy dinners and how to prepare them step by step

Healthy dinners are usually light and nutritious options. Eating too much before going to sleep can cause discomfort and discomfort, while there are dinners that are not what the body really needs.

One of the ways to prepare a healthy dinner and know how to prepare it step by step is to maintain a balance between the macronutrients. A healthy dinner cannot be based solely on carbohydrates only for example. You have to incorporate proteins and fats that are healthy. In addition, you must always add vegetables, fruits, legumes or seeds.

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1. Mediterranean salad with pasta

Mediterranean pasta salad is a very healthy dinner. You will need 2 cups of pasta (for example penne), 10 fresh basil leaves, 3 tablespoons of red pepper, 3 tablespoons of olive oil, ¾ cup of cubed feta cheese, and black olives.

Penne pasta is cooked in the traditional way; boil and drain when done. Subsequently, you have to chop the red pepper and cut the black olives into slices.

In a large enough bowl you have to add all the ingredients. You have to mix well and add a little salt. Then it is served and finally the olive oil is added.

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2. Cheese topped and kiwi salad

This topped cheese and kiwi salad plate is so easy to make. For the covered cheese you will need: 400 grams of Manchego cheese cut into 8 cubes, 4 tablespoons of flour, 2 beaten eggs, 1 cup of breadcrumbs and vegetable oil.

For the salad you need: 2 kiwis peeled into slices, 2 cups of diced papaya, 1 chopped curly lettuce properly washed and disinfected, olive oil and a little vinegar Apple.

To begin, you have to flour the cheese cubes, add salt to taste, pass them through beaten eggs and cover them with ground bread. Then they are put to fry in a pan.

On the other hand, kiwi, papaya and lettuce are prepared in a bowl. Besides, olive oil and vinegar are combined to finish dressing this tasty recipe.

3. Roasted pear with Serrano ham

Roasted pear with Serrano ham is a very healthy dinner. To prepare it you need 4 pears cut into quarters, 16 slices of Serrano ham, 2 tablespoons of honey, 1 tbsp fresh thyme, olive oil, 3 tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 2 tablespoons muscovado.

First a vinaigrette is prepared with the olive oil, balsamic vinegar, muscovado sugar and salt and pepper to taste. On the other hand, you have to roll the pears with the Serrano ham and place on a tray to bathe them with honey and sprinkle with thyme and pepper.

Then you have to preheat the oven to 200 ° and bake the pears covered with Serrano ham for 15 minutes. Serve as soon as it comes out of the oven and accompany with the vinaigrette. Without a doubt it is a healthy recipe and also very delicious.

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4. Chicken with mushrooms and vegetables

Chicken with mushrooms and vegetables is a quick option to prepare. This recipe can have variations depending on the vegetables you want to add. Must have shredded chicken fillet, 2 cups sliced ​​mushrooms, 2 sliced ​​zucchini, broccoli, and onion.

In a frying pan with a little olive oil, fry the onion until it is caramelized. Then the chicken is added and a little salt is added. Subsequently, the mushrooms, the sliced ​​zucchini and the broccoli branches are added.

Finally it is left to simmer for about 10 minutes. This dish is simple to prepare and you can add other vegetables such as carrots or cauliflower. You can even add a little bacon just to enhance the flavor.

5. Brown rice with pineapple and coconut

Brown rice with pineapple and coconut is a complete and delicious dish. You will need a cup of brown rice, 50 grams of sliced ​​almonds, 1 tablespoon of coconut oil, 2 ½ cups of hot water, 5 slices of pineapple in squares and ½ coconut, split and filleted.

To start you have to rinse the rice and let it soak. After having soaked the rice for 30 minutes, brown it a little with coconut oil. Subsequently add the water and salt to taste and cover the saucepan until the water is consumed.

Then, in a frying pan, you have to sauté the almonds until they are slightly brown. When serving the rice, add the almonds, pineapple and coconut. It is a dish that provides energy and is very complete.

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6. Nice curry marinade

The nice curry marinade requires prior preparation. Although it is not a difficult recipe to make, it requires that the bonito be frozen for two or three days to avoid the risk of anikasis.

You need oil, vinegar, curry powder and coriander and bonito fillets. You have to mix the oil, vinegar, curry and coriander to let the bonito marinate for about 30 minutes. Later it is only necessary to pass everything through the iron to brown it a little.

When served, they can be sprinkled with madon salt and sesame seeds. Without a doubt, this dish is a healthy dinner option that is also tasty and very simple to make. It can be accompanied with a salad.

7. Wheat with chicken

Wheat with chicken is a very complete dish for dinner. You need a sliced ​​onion, butter, olive oil, 1 cubed chicken breast, 1 cup of cracked wheat, 1 cup of chickpeas, 2 cups of chicken broth, and chopped parsley.

At first, the onion, butter and olive oil are fried to later add the chicken (to which salt and pepper should have already been added). After 5 minutes the wheat and chickpeas are added. Finally, add the chicken broth and cover the pot to let it cook over low heat for 10 minutes.

Once the 10 minutes have passed, it is removed from the heat and the pot is covered to rest for about 8 minutes. Later it can be served and the parsley is added to complete a complete and healthy recipe that also has a great flavor.

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Bibliographic references

  • Hay, D. (2017). Fresh and light cuisine: More than 180 recipes and tasty ideas to find the perfect balance. Barcelona: Editions B.

  • Llano, I. (2015). Healthy cooking to enjoy. Isasaweis. More Than 100 Recipes And Their Best Tricks. Madrid: Anaya Multimedia.

  • RBA Editores (2018). Cook healthy in less than 20 minutes. Barcelona: RBA Editores.

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