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The 18 main types of coffees and their characteristics

Coffee is perhaps the most popular infusion in the world. Not only is it a drink that helps us wake up in the morning, it is a cultural and historical bond; hundreds of years ago it has spread throughout the planet.

There are many ways to prepare coffee, and some have become very popular. Its pleasant taste and the combination that it allows with other drinks such as milk has resulted in a truly pleasant drink. A blessing to greet the new day, to take it in the afternoon alone or with friends, or at any time of the day just for the fun of it.

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Types of coffee according to their origin

Although there are more than 100 species of coffee, robusta and arabica are the best known. These are the most commercialized varieties in the world. Their differences are significant and determine the flavor and body of the coffee.


The taste of the robusta coffee variety can be defined as bitter. It gives the drink a very strong character, as it contains about 2.7% caffeine. On the other hand, the plant from which this coffee is obtained reaches up to 6 meters in height, and the robusta coffee bean has a circular shape.

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The flavor of Arabica coffee is sweeter and more delicate, and some define it as fruity. It is only 1.5% caffeine and contains 60% more fat and sugar than robusta coffee. The amounts of fat and sugar are inconsequential at the caloric level, but it gives the drink a better flavor. The Arabica coffee plant can grow to 4.5 meters, and the shape of its bean is oval.

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Types of coffee according to its preparation

As we know, the different types of coffee that we can drink not only respond to the type of grain that exists, but also to the way it is prepared. There are them for all tastes and palates.

There is a coffee for every occasion and for every taste, and each way of preparing it has an origin and a reason. Coffee has become so popular that the variety of preparations that exist today is very wide, ranging from the strongest and bitter to the most sweet and creamy.

1. Espresso

One of the most requested, especially in the mornings. A great ally to take that dose that will wake us up quickly. Its name comes from Italian and it is served in a small cup, as they are no more than 30 ml of coffee infusion prepared in boiling water for 25 seconds.

2. Short coffee

The short coffee is like an espresso, but requires only 15 ml of coffee. "True coffee lovers" claim that this or espresso is the true way to drink coffee. Connoisseurs always demand the variety of Arabica coffee.

3. Double espresso

Espresso coffee is precisely an espresso made with two loads. That is, you get a drink with twice the caffeine. A true time bomb, the strongest of all types of coffee, but there are those who drink it every day.

4. American coffee

In the American coffee a load is used again and in this case more water is used. In countries like Italy or Portugal it is an aberration, but in the Anglo-Saxon world it takes a lot. People take it in glasses to work. In Italy, coffee is not conceived like this, and it is drunk in a matter of seconds.

5. Carajillo

It is very common in the Iberian Peninsula and here alcohol enters the scene. It consists of an espresso with a little high-proof alcoholic beverage. It is usually accompanied with brandy or whiskey. Depending on the type of liquor with which it is prepared or the ingredients that are added to it, in some areas it is known as brulé or Caribbean coffee.

6. Triphasic

The triphasic is like a carajillo, but milk is also added. We are then in front of a presentation in which three types of drink take part. Sometimes condensed milk is added instead of milk. One of the most unique types of coffee.

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7. Arab

We already know that Arab gastronomy is full of exotic, strong and highly seasoned flavors.. His version of coffee is no exception. To an espresso coffee they add ground cardamom, cinnamon or saffron giving a totally different touch, but a great flavor if you like different and strong.

8. chopped up

This coffee preparation consists of a cup of espresso with a little milk. Glasses a little larger than espresso are used, and it is one of the most widely consumed preparations. You can order hot, cold or steamed milk.

9. Machiatto

The machiatto is similar to the cut, but there is very little coffee. In Italian it means "stained", and it is served alone in such a way that it breaks the white of the milk. It is served with steamed milk to create a frothy coffee.

10. Coffee believe me

The créme coffee is like the cut, but it has milk cream instead of milk. The drink takes on a very different texture.

12. Coffee with milk or Caffè Latte

In this variant it differs from the cut one in that there is more milk. In addition, logically the cup has to be changed for a larger one. Traditionally it is prepared in a 200 ml cup where half is coffee and half is milk. From it derive ways of preparing coffee that we will see below. Some have become very popular around the world.

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13. Cappuccino

Cappuccino is one of the favorite types of coffee for many people. It is perfect both to accompany breakfast and for an afternoon of coffee with friends. The proportions of a cup of cappuccino are 1/3 of coffee and 2/3 of frothed milk. This is how it achieves its characteristic texture. It is completed with cocoa or cinnamon powder sprinkled on the foamy surface.

14. Mocha or mochaccino

Its preparation is the same as cappuccino, but a layer of chocolate or cocoa syrup is added. Without a doubt, mixing coffee and chocolate really is an excellent combination.

15. Irish

This is a very unique coffee that has similarities with the triphasic. Here again the alcohol and a dairy ingredient come back. It is a double espresso mixed with Irish whiskey covered in a layer of cream.

16. Caramel macchiato

The sweetest option to combine coffee and milk. 1/3 of a cup of coffee, 1/3 of normal milk, and the rest of the cup for the milk foam. It is finished with a layer of caramel on the surface. A great option for those with a sweet tooth.

17. Aztec

Aztec coffee is little known but no less interesting. It is a drink that is drunk cold. In addition to coffee, ice, milk, and one, two, or even three scoops of ice cream are also added. The most successful flavor is chocolate, but it can be taken in any taste. A great option to top off a good meal.

18. Hawaiian

Hawaiian coffee in a very tropical type of coffee. The preparation is the same as that of a cappuccino, but the milk is substituted for coconut milk. As we can see, coffee is very popular all over the world and adapts to all kinds of latitudes and customs.

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Bibliographic references

  • Allen, S.L. (1999). The Devil's Cup: Coffee, the Driving Force in History. Soho Press.

  • McCreery, D. (2003). Coffee and Indigenous Labor in Guatemala, 1871–1980. In The Global Coffee Economy in Africa, Asia and Latin America, 1500–1989. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 192–208.

  • Weinberg, B.A. and Bealer, B.K. (2001). The world of caffeine. Routledge.

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