Education, study and knowledge

Psychologist Aarón Jiménez López

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Certified psychologist CM02527.

For me, the human being is mainly composed of emotions. Therefore, emotional management is the key element that governs my work. For this reason, within my specialty, I can adapt to the client's needs and thus achieve the maximum benefit in their sessions. Individual therapy, sport, business... the basis is the same, the emotions felt by those involved. An athlete with fear of failure, a company whose members are anxious, a person experiencing depression... if we let emotion control us, the result will be the same. And yet, each of us has in our hands the ability to learn to manage all this. To be how we want to be. to orient ourselves to what we need and, ultimately, to live.

Anxiety Depression Self-esteem Grief Couples therapy Insomnia Relaxation Hypnosis Sexual disorders

One of the things I like to ask my clients most when they arrive is who they are and why they are here. Well, in this small space I will try to do the same so that you can get to know me a little better. I am a person with unlimited curiosity, focused on the values ​​of respect, honesty and loyalty. I am also a lover of psychology and the reason why I dedicate myself to this is to ensure that the people who work with me live in harmony and inner peace. For me, it is a wonderful feeling when a person who is going through a critical moment in their life smiles again. It is what moves me and makes me excited about each therapy. When it comes to working I like to be adaptable with the person in front of me, using cognitive-behavioral or humanistic psychology techniques depending on what is most convenient. All this under the work and the importance that I give to emotional management and accompanied with the tool of coaching. I like to work in a direct, clear and open way. Expressing things as they are and without hesitation. Being a mirror of what I am seeing in front of me.

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