Thomas Jefferson, who knew Napoleon Bonaparte personally during his time as First Consul, called ...
In times of hyperconsumption, the limits of reality seem to blur. The influence of the networks, ...
Since the 60s, several subcultures have appeared and conquered large cities: urban tribes. These ...
He Spinoza's God responds to a philosophical concept that It differs from the traditional notion ...
The Venice Carnival and the famous Venetian masks are known throughout the world. It is possibly,...
Worcester is a large city located in the well-known North American state of Massachusetts., which...
Worcester is a large city located in the well-known North American state of Massachusetts., which...
The anxiety It has become perhaps the most common psychological and emotional problem today. We f...
Family constellations a therapeutic approach created by German therapist Bert Hellinger in the 19...
Springfield is a large city located in the well-known North American state of Massachusetts., whi...
In the current digital era, in rapid development, all companies are experiencing changes in their...
Between the Botero's most famous paintings stand out "In Front of the Sea", "Mona Lisa at 12", "C...