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Medicine And Health

Sleep Apnea Syndrome: Symptoms, Types, Causes and Treatment

Sleep-related disorders can significantly interfere with daily life of a person, producing sympto...

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How to lead a healthy life after a heart attack?

How to lead a healthy life after a heart attack?

Heart attack is a type of ischemic heart disease related to insufficient blood supply that can be...

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What is an allergic reaction?

What is an allergic reaction?

An allergic reaction is an overreaction of the immune system to a substance that does not cause a...

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Lymphocytes: What are they and what functions do they carry out in the body?

Lymphocytes: What are they and what functions do they carry out in the body?

When we talk about the immune system, we all have a vague notion of its function, which is to pro...

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Reactive hypoglycemia: what it is and how it affects our mood

Reactive hypoglycemia: what it is and how it affects our mood

Reactive hypoglycemia shows to what extent biological processes linked to nutrition can affect ou...

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Why is it so hard to lose belly fat?

Why is it so hard to lose belly fat?

Abdominal fat is harder to get rid of than other fats. Let's see why and if it can really be comb...

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Dehiscence syndrome: symptoms, causes and treatment

Dehiscence syndrome: symptoms, causes and treatment

Superior semicircular canal dehiscence syndrome (SDCSS) is a condition that affects balance. It i...

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Paresthesia due to anxiety: symptoms, causes and how to manage it

Paresthesia due to anxiety: symptoms, causes and how to manage it

Many people who live with anxiety report that in situations of stress or anguish they experience ...

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Is it bad to sleep with your mouth open?

Is it bad to sleep with your mouth open?

Sometimes when we wake up we notice dryness in the mouth, as if the saliva were thicker than norm...

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Menstrual migraine: what is it, causes, symptoms and treatment

Menstrual migraine: what is it, causes, symptoms and treatment

There are different factors, common to both genders, that have the ability to influence headaches...

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Capillary hyperhidrosis: what is it, symptoms, causes and treatment

Capillary hyperhidrosis: what is it, symptoms, causes and treatment

Sweating or perspiration is the mechanism through which our body maintains our constant temperatu...

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Why do our legs fall asleep?

Why do our legs fall asleep?

We have all experienced a sensation of tingling and numbness in one of our lower limbs. This occu...

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