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Medicine And Health

Biomaterials: what they are, types and characteristics

Biomaterials: what they are, types and characteristics

Human beings (and most animals) have some ability to heal wounds and injuries. Normally, openings...

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Appendicitis: symptoms, treatment and psychological care

Appendicitis is one of the most common reasons for surgery among young people. It is an inflammat...

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Anosmia (loss of smell): symptoms, causes and treatment

Losing a sense is always the cause of significant discomfort and difficulties in daily life. Peop...

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Koch's 4 postulates: what they are and what they explain

There was a time when it was not known what caused disease. There were those who thought they wer...

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Kallman syndrome: symptoms, causes and treatment

Kallman syndrome is a rare disease that causes fertility problems and affects both the production...

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How to lower cortisol: 15 practical tips

The cortisol hormone is considered the stress hormone par excellence. This substance, produced in...

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Monurol (2 g and 3 g): what it is for, how to take it and effects

Monurol is one of the most widely used medications to treat urinary tract infections., which incl...

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Graves-Basedow disease: symptoms, causes and treatment

Thyroid hormones are a substance produced by the thyroid glands. These hormones perform an infini...

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Sedentary lifestyle: what dangers does it have on our physical and psychological health?

Sedentary lifestyle: what dangers does it have on our physical and psychological health?

In recent decades, the lifestyle we lead has undergone major changes. Our quality of life has inc...

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Bubble Children: what disease do they suffer from and how does it affect them?

Bubble Children: what disease do they suffer from and how does it affect them?

In 1976, the film "The Boy in the Plastic Bubble" was released worldwide., a film starring John T...

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Epiblast: what it is and what are its characteristics

Embryology is a subdiscipline of genetics and biology that is responsible for studying morphogene...

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Sternocleidohyoid muscle: what it is, characteristics and how it works

The human body has more than 650 total muscles, which together comprise 40-50% of the weight of a...

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