Education, study and knowledge


Quasi-experimental research: what is it and how is it designed?

Quasi-experimental research is a type of research widely used in psychology.. Its most relevant c...

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Self-trepanadores: drilling your head to experiment

In 1967 Joe Mellen, a 30-year-old British citizen, he tried to pierce his skull with a manual tre...

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The 15 Most Flattering Beard Types (with Images)

The 15 Most Flattering Beard Types (with Images)

One of the most prominent trends in recent years is the beard.. Many men opt for this look aware ...

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The 20 types of force (according to physics)

The concept of force has a large number of denotations in different fields, being in some synonym...

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Non-Mendelian inheritance: what it is, examples and genetic mechanisms

Gregor Mendel established some laws on genetics that he determined based on his famous experiment...

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Homo sapiens idaltu: characteristics of this possible human subspecies

Throughout the history of paleoanthropology, all kinds of bones have been found, both from primit...

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Pearson's correlation coefficient: what it is and how to use it

When researching in psychology, descriptive statistics is frequently used, which offers ways of p...

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Types of graphs: the various ways to represent data

Types of graphs: the various ways to represent data

All research of a scientific nature is supported and based on a set of data properly analyzed and...

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The 11 best websites to learn English easily

Mandarin Chinese is the most widely spoken language in the world; however, English is perhaps the...

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Documentary research: types and characteristics

Many people have the misconception that all research involves administering questionnaires or doi...

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10 best academic search engines to research science

The number of scientific articles that are published in academic journals can be impressive, but...

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The 10 Fundamental Types of Validity in Science

We can weigh ourselves on a scale, or measure our height with a meter, or assess body temperature...

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