Education, study and knowledge


Finding: The button that connects and disconnects consciousness

New studies carried out at George Washington University (D.C.) have recently managed to access th...

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Penfield's sensory and motor homunculi: what are they?

Penfield's sensory and motor homunculi: what are they?

In the field of neurosciences they are very famous cortical or Penfield homunculiHumanized repres...

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How many neurons does the human brain have?

How many neurons does the human brain have?

If the human brain is the set of organs that houses thought, it can be thought that all our menta...

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What happens in your brain when you drink coffee?

Many people start the day with a good cup of coffee. This substance has reached a very high level...

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Ventral tegmental area: anatomy, functions and disorders

The ventral tegmental area is a region of the midbrain, also known as the midbrain, which is very...

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Midbrain: characteristics, parts and functions

The midbrain is one of the most important parts of the brain, in many ways. On the one hand, it i...

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Neurotrophins: what are they, functions and what types are there

Neurotrophins are a group of proteins that are responsible for our nervous system to function pro...

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Cerebral ventricles: characteristics and functions

Cerebral ventricles: characteristics and functions

Our brain is a complex organ, made up of a large number of different structures that allow the pe...

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Drinking coffee: advantages and disadvantages of its consumption

Drinking coffee: advantages and disadvantages of its consumption

The history of coffee begins in the fourteenth century in Ethiopiato, where it began to be attrib...

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Septal nuclei: nerve functions and connections

In the last century, knowledge about the anatomy and functions of the different regions of the br...

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15 foods that harm our brain health

Have you ever heard the phrase: “we are what we eat”? Well, this saying may have a lot of truth. ...

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This is how social media likes affect your brain

This is how social media likes affect your brain

An investigation conducted by UCLA and published in Psychological Science has concluded that seei...

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