Education, study and knowledge


Are there pills for intelligence?

In recent years the field of neurosciences has experienced more than notable advances. This has m...

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Guanfacine (medication): what it is, and characteristics of this drug

Guanfacine is an antihypertensive drug used for the treatment of ADHD. (Attention Deficit Hyperac...

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What happens if I take antidepressants without having depression?

In recent years, concern for mental health and its care has increased in our society. In this con...

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Triazolam (anxiolytic): indications, uses and side effects

The benzodiazepines are drugs generally used to treat anxiety disorders and associated problems.T...

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Esketamine: uses and side effects of this drug

Esketamine is a medication which comes as a nasal spray to be dispensed as an aerosol and which i...

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Levodopa: uses and side effects of this drug

Dopamine is one of the best-known neurotransmitters and one of the most important when it comes t...

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Amineptine (antidepressant): uses, indications and side effects

Amineptine is an old antidepressant drug which was marketed for the treatment of severe depressio...

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Maprotiline: uses and side effects of this psychotropic drug

Depression is a severe problem that affects a high percentage of the world's population, causing ...

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Butriptyline: characteristics, uses and side effects

Antidepressant drugs include a series of medications used to treat depressive symptoms and behavi...

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Serotonin Reuptake Antagonists and Inhibitors (AIRSs)

Among all mental problems, depression is, along with the set of disorders linked to anxiety, one ...

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