Individuals who suffer from Paranoid Personality Disorder are often characterized by having a ver...
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"Psychotic break" is one of those terms belonging to the world of psychiatry and clinical psychol...
Our way of thinking, feeling and interpreting reality is not something that depends solely on us....
Suicidal thoughts are one of the most important areas of research and intervention in Psychology....
Imagine a frozen lake. Yes, like the ones in American movies, in which children skate and play ic...
Video games are part of the life history of the new generations. Many people in their twenties an...
The Earth is surrounded by microorganisms invisible to the human eye that allow the stability and...
Llaurant La Llum It has two resources in which they offer treatments for addictive behaviors, bot...
Anxiety problems are very common in the general population, but unfortunately not everyone consid...
Anxiety is a vicious cycle that is difficult to get out of. We are facing a psychological disorde...
Schizophrenia is a group of psychiatric disorders serious that, contrary to what many people beli...
Anorexia nervosa is one of the most well-known eating disorders with the greatest exposure to the...