Juan Huarte de San Juan (1529-1588) was one of the physicians and philosophers who laid the found...
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Modern psychology and, especially, its experimental branch, would not be the same had it not been...
While interest in the human psyche has existed since ancient times, it is not until the contribut...
Franz Joseph Gall was the creator of phrenology, a pseudoscientific discipline that related behav...
The Gestalt therapy, developed by Fritz perls, Laura perls Y Paul goodman In the 40's, he's a hum...
Viktor Frankl is one of the most unhinged figures in the history of psychology. As the creator of...
On few occasions such a trivial act has become a true act of protest against injustices, in this ...
Francisco Suárez was a Spanish philosopher, theologian and jurist considered the greatest exponen...
Martín de Azpilcueta, by many known as the Navarrese Doctor, was a theologian, priest and economi...
“The greatest” (the greatest of all time), “the people's champion” (people’s champ) and the “Loui...
Mamie Phipps Clark (1917-1983) was a social psychologist who studied the development of identity ...
The surname Gandhi is instinctively associated with India, but not only by Mahatma, also by Indir...