Image: SteemitThe origin of the theater dates back to the time of Ancient Greece when playwrights...
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Image: Tarantula MagazineKing Oedipus It is a Greek tragedy written by Sophocles who, along with ...
Image: percy zapata mendoIn this lesson from a PROFESSOR that begins here we are going to unravel...
Image: CurioSfera.comThe origin of our theater is in the Ancient Greece where a series of authors...
The theater originated in Ancient Greece. In fact, Greek culture was the one that began by organi...
Image: TaringaStart a new lesson from a TEACHER where we meet the characters of King Oedipus and ...
Image: The Crisis of HistoryThe Iliad is, without a doubt, one of the great epics of Classical An...
A lesson from a TEACHER begins that takes us back to the dawn of the birth of culture as we know ...
Image: Art HistoryIf we look for the origin of the theatrical performances that we can enjoy toda...