Education, study and knowledge

Cognition And Intelligence

Generation effect: what it is and how it can be used to learn better

Generation effect: what it is and how it can be used to learn better

For decades several psychologists have dedicated themselves to studying a psychic phenomenon as c...

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What are the benefits of slow thinking?

What are the benefits of slow thinking?

People often have a tendency to use mental shortcuts in their day to day life in order to make de...

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Hick's law: what it is and what it tells us about decision making

Hick's law: what it is and what it tells us about decision making

There are different laws to explain some basic principles of the functioning of our everyday worl...

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Solomon's paradox: our wisdom is relative

He king solomon he is famous for making judgments from the pragmatism and the wisdom. In fact, th...

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8 cognitive stimulation exercises for the elderly

As with our physical ability or performance, over the years, our psychological abilities decline ...

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Are women or men smarter?

In a previous article we asked ourselves about psychological differences between men and women. T...

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The social intelligence hypothesis

Intelligence and cognitive abilities in general are deeply studied elements throughout throughout...

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Having smart friends makes us smarter

Can our friends make us smarter through their influence on us? A pioneering study in human behavi...

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The associative theory of interference: studying forgetting

In this article we are going to know why we forget certain concepts or memories according to Jenk...

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12 curiosities about the intelligence of dolphins

Dolphins are one of the most valued and popular animals worldwide. It is an animal species that h...

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This hat is capable of making us smarter

This hat is capable of making us smarter

The possibility of improving our mental capacities, developing them to the limit and overcoming a...

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Lazy people are smarter

Many people would easily identify as lazy, but intelligence is somewhat more difficult to measure...

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