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The 10 best Psychologists for Family Therapy in Madrid

The Family Therapist Maria Hernandez She is a Graduate in Social Work from UNED and for several years she has specialized in the field of Family Therapy.

Her intervention is offered both online and in person at her Madrid office and is based on the Family and Couple approach, integrated together with other orientations such as Therapy Humanist.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in dealing with family conflicts, anxiety, depression, low self-esteem and problems with children.

The psychologist Cecilia Martin She has a professional experience of more than 18 years and she is director of the Psychode Psychology Institute since 2006, where she attends adults, families and couples, especially in those consultations pertaining to sexual therapy, both in person and online.

The main intervention modalities that this professional applies in her consultation are Brief Strategic Therapy, EMDR Therapy and Therapy Cognitive-behavioral, all of them applied in an integrative way in sessions where the person receives useful techniques to overcome their problems from the first day.

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Besides that, some of her main intervention specialties are emotional problems of all kinds, cases of depression, grieving processes, divorce processes, trauma, infertility problems and cases of violence in gender.

The prestigious center Advance Psychologists She has an experience of more than 20 years serving families of all kinds both in person in consultation as at a distance and through the application of therapies that have scientific evidence proven.

The professionals of this center are qualified in Health Psychology and have sufficient training and experience to deal with all kinds of problems and conflicts in the Family environment, being the main therapies applied in her sessions, cognitive-behavioral orientation, EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness or Third Party Therapies Generation.

Thus, some of the areas addressed by professionals of Advance Psychologists in the field of family therapy are the resolution of permanent conflicts, communication problems, empathy work, relationship problems and relationship problems paternal-filial.

The psychologist Elena Almodóvar Antón has behind him a professional experience of more than 15 years of experience, in which he has worked in different medical centers combining their practice in clinical therapy with teaching and collaboration in different media of communication.

Its therapeutic intervention is of an integrative nature, also with the possibility of attending telematically, and in which it includes orientations such as Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Family and Couples Therapy or Mindfulness, with which it addresses cases of depression, addictions, traumas, relationship problems and deficits in coping skills.

In addition to that, among its most relevant qualifications can be highlighted a Master in Health and Behavior Therapy, a Postgraduate in Psychosomatic Medicine and Health Psychology, a Postgraduate Expert in Trauma Clinic and Intervention and a Postgraduate Expert in Psychotherapy with Children and Teenagers.

The center Psychological Awakenings has a therapeutic trajectory of almost 10 years of history in which it has specialized in attending to people of all ages, also couples and families who may need it both in person and in person distance.

The center has a large multidisciplinary team of professionals specialized in applying an integrative therapy, based on therapies such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, the humanistic approach or EMDR Therapy, among other

Thus, regarding the main intervention specialties that are addressed in the Awakening Psychologists center, the cases ADHD, deficits in coping skills, eating disorders, self-esteem deficits and problems with partner.

The General Health Psychologist Barbara Zapico Salomón She has a Master's Degree in Family and Couples Therapy, another Master's Degree in Child Clinical Psychology, and a Third Master's Degree in Disorders of the Eating Behavior, which makes her one of the most prominent professionals in the field of family therapy in Madrid.

Her intervention is also offered online and is aimed at people of all ages, in which she also applies different therapies in an integrated way, among which are Family and Couples Therapy, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness and Systems Relatives

Regarding the areas that she usually addresses in her consultation, eating disorders, emotional problems, family conflicts, cases of infidelity, stress and identity problems sexual.

The psychologist William Miatello She is one of the most outstanding therapists in the city of Madrid and in her consultation she attends adolescents, adults, the elderly, couples and also families.

His services are offered both in person and by video call and some of the areas that he addresses with particular success are family or family problems. partner, anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, work problems, eating disorders, low self-esteem, and skill deficits social.

Graduated in Psychology from the National University of Córdoba, this professional has a Master's Degree in Psychoanalysis from the University of Buenos Aires and also masters the application of EMDR Therapy or Family Therapy and Partner.

The Clinical Health Psychologist Vicente Bernárdez Fernández He has a Master in Clinical, Legal and Forensic Psychology, a Master in Family and Couple Mediation and a third Master in Grief Treatment.

The main therapies with which he works are Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, EMDR Therapy and Family and Couples Therapy, all of them with the objective of attend in the best possible way the cases of divorce, adoptions, deficits in the management of anger and anxiety disorders, also in a telematic way.

The psychologist Maria González-Aller Zavala She is an expert in both the clinical and educational fields and has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology; She is an expert in Psychological Evaluation and Psychodiagnosis and has a Higher Training Course in Sexual Gender Violence.

This professional she bases her therapy on Attachment Theory and also on the joint application of orientations such as Mindfulness, Cognitive-behavioral Therapy or Family and Couples Therapy.

In addition to that, some of her main specialties in the family field are cases of domestic violence, stress, behavior problems and anxiety disorders.

The General Health Psychologist Osset shell She is one of the most prominent professionals in the field of Family Therapy in Madrid, and her services are offered in face-to-face or remote sessions.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Distance Education, this professional has a Master's degree in Child-adolescent Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, a Formative Course of Gestalt Psychotherapist and Group Dynamics, another Formative Course of Pedagogical Adaptation and a third course of Relational Psychomotor skills Educational

Throughout a professional experience of more than 15 years, this therapist has specialized in dealing with family conflicts of all kinds, emotional problems, anxiety and depression, trauma, problems with children and also problems related to Primary Care in children little ones.

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