81 phrases of happiness and joy to value life
In this article they are compiled short phrases of happiness made to make us more likely to live day to day with joy.
Not only do they help us become somewhat more optimistic, but many of them are also reflections of thinkers as important as Albert Einstein, Aristotle or Hellen keller.
Happy and positive phrases for all tastes
Remember, also, that on this same website you can find other compilation articles of phrases, such as the following:
- 120 short positive phrases to live your day to day with optimism
- 101 motivational phrases to focus on success
- 123 wise phrases to reflect on life
- 64 Buddhist phrases to find inner peace
- 75 philosophical phrases spoken by great thinkers
Phrases of happiness to be more positive
Let's get to know the best famous phrases that tell us about the feelings of happiness and joy. You are ready?
1. Things are beautiful if you love them
A clearly optimistic point of view can be seen in this phrase from Jean Anouilh.
2. There is only one form of happiness in life: to love and to be loved
George Sand pronounce one of the so frequent phrases of happiness related to love.
3. Those who want to sing always find a song
A swedish proverb which also fits perfectly among the phrases of happiness belonging to popular culture.
4. When you are true to yourself in what you do, fascinating things happen
Deborah Norville leaves us a reflection on the wonders that our daily realities hide.

5. Beauty is power, and a smile is her sword
An inspirational quote from the English naturalist John ray.
6. Happiness is the ultimate goal of human existence
One of the first phrases of happiness in history, in this case attributed to the father of philosophy in Europe, Aristotle.
7. Happiness is meant to be shared
Pierre Corneille, about the brotherly part of happiness.
8. The purpose of our lives is to be happy
One of the most remembered phrases of the Dalai Lama, is also one of the most popular phrases about happiness.
9. Life is either a great adventure or nothing
Hellen keller, about the nature of life as something to be lived intensely.
10. The secret to having happiness is having something to do
John burroughs, about the simplicity with which what makes us happy can be found.
11. You can be happy wherever you are
Joel osteen says there are no valid excuses to voluntarily keep us out of happiness
12. There is happiness in duty, even if it doesn't seem like it
Jose Marti makes us see the bright side of obligations and responsibilities.
13. Happiness is not something that is postponed, but something that is designed for the present
Jim Rohn links the state of happiness with what we experience in the here and now.
14. Joy resides in the joy of achievement and the excitement of creative endeavor
Franklin D. Roosevelt gives one of those that, in her opinion, is a key to happiness.
15. Every time one door to happiness closes, another immediately opens.
Another of the phrases of happiness of Hellen keller best known, about the opportunities that constantly arrive.
16. Independence is happiness
Susan B. Anthony relates the ability to choose freely with happiness.

17. Happiness appears when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony
One of the phrases of Gandhi in which a very particular vision is given about what joy and happiness are.
18. The time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time
Marthe Troly-Curtin It gives us an excuse to continue doing what we like.
19. A table, a chair, a bowl of fruit, and a violin. What else does one need to be happy?
One of the many positive phrases that he left Albert Einstein, going beyond the realm in which he was an expert.
20. It doesn't matter where you go: there you are
Confucius leaves one of the most powerful positive phrases.
21. Happiness is within you, not next to someone
The legend of the cinema, Marilyn monroe, about happiness and love relationships
22. Today I have nothing to do except smile
Paul Simon Make this famous happiness quote as simple as it is joyful and inspiring.
23. Kind words, a warm book, and an honest smile can work miracles
William Hazlitt, in one of those reflections that relate happiness to the small pleasures of everyday life.
24. The smile is a universal welcome
A way to see the usefulness of smiles, beyond borders. Quote from Max eastman.
25. An optimist is the human incarnation of spring
One of the most poetic phrases of happiness, in this case of Susan J. Bissonette.
26. Smile, it's a free therapy
Douglas horton It may be reductionist when comparing smiles to a form of therapy, but the result is a worthwhile image.
27. Being optimistic doesn't hurt anyone. You can always cry later
Lucimar Santos from Lima It gives one more reason to stay positive.
28. Laughter is a poison for fear
George R. R. Martin he sees laughter from a somewhat martial point of view, but useful, in the end, to be more cheerful.
29. There is only one passion: the passion for happiness
Happiness embodied in the thought of Denis Diderot.
30. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier
Colin Powell in a phrase of happiness that is also motivating.
31. The term "happiness" would lose all its meaning if it were not compensated for by sadness.
The benchmark of the psychodynamic school, Carl Jung, about the relationship between happiness and the sadness.
32. I enjoy my life because things are not going as planned
Rohit Pandita makes us see with a good face the apparent chaos of what happens in life.
33. Peace begins with a smile
Teresa of Calcutta puts the focus on the individual when talking about happiness.

34. Astonishment awaits us at every corner
A way to relate the exciting with what in principle we are used to, for James broughton.
35. Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened
One of the classic happiness phrases of the famous architect of children's stories, the Dr seuss.
36. Live the life you love. Love the life you live
A very simple maxim from the reggae legend Bob marley.
37. To forgive yourself is to be happy
Robert Louis Stevenson He believes that the feeling of well-being springs up when we reconcile with ourselves.
38. Happiness is something that is practiced, like the violin
John lubbock leave this reflection in which happiness is portrayed as a project to which you have to contribute every day.
39. Listen from time to time. It is fascinating what you can hear
Another of the phrases of happiness that speak of the excitement of discovery, this time of Russell Baker.
40. Love will never leave us alone
Another of the happiness quotes pronounced by the Jamaican singer Bob marley, in this case related to love.
41. A joyful life is a unique creation that cannot be copied from a recipe
Mihaly csikszentmihaly, one of the referents of positive psychology, proposes this reflection of happiness so that we learn to appreciate the unique nature of our lives.
42. Love is that micro-moment of warmth and connection that we share with another living being
Barbara L. Fredrickson, about the little moments of happiness that we share in the moments in which we share an emotional bond with someone.
43. Happiness is not out there for us to find, and the reason for that is that it is within us.
One of the reflections of happiness pronounced by people who research in psychology departments, in this case the American Sonja lyubomirsky.
44. Happiness is the only thing that multiplies when shared
Albert schweitzer, on the paradox of happiness and fraternal connections.
45. The difference between mystery and happiness depends on what we do with our attention
Sharon salzberg, about the relationship between the way in which the attention and the way in which happy moments are experienced.
46. A crisis is something that tastes bad to waste
A positive reflection of Paul romer, about the potential of crises.
47. Becoming is better than being
Carol S. Beck about the moments of enjoyment in personal growth.
48. No matter how old you are, there is always something good to overcome
Lynn johnston gives one of the phrases of happiness that they touch, also the theme of challenges as something that motivates us to move forward.
49. If you do not know which port you are sailing to, no type of wind is favorable
The philosopher Seneca leaves one of the most iconic reflections on the way in which the lack of happiness can be, in part, sought.
50. Being entirely honest with yourself is good exercise.
One of the phrases of happiness pronounced by Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis.

51. The happiness of our lives depends on the quality of our thoughts
A phrase attributed to Marcus Aurelius. Relate the idea of happiness with the mentality with which we interpret the world.
52. Happiness cannot be obtained by wanting to be happy. It has to appear as an unintended consequence of pursuing a goal greater than oneself
One of the famous happiness quotes of Viktor frankl, in which she shows her humanistic approach.
53. Today is the first day of the rest of your life
A famous quote from Abbie hoffman, about new beginnings.
54. Action is the fundamental ship of success
A quote from the painter Pablo Picasso, related to happiness but also to personal improvement.
55. Unhappiness is defined as being the difference between our talents and our expectations
The psychologist Edward de Bono talks about the nature of unhappiness, showing one of the keys to not falling into it.
56. Work hard, be nice, and amazing things will happen.
A recommendation from Conan O'Brien
57. With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts
This upbeat reflection is from Eleanor Roosevelt.
58. What is beautiful never dies
One of the phrases of happiness and beauty of Thomas Bailey Aldrich.
59. Flowers grow from the darkest moments
Artist and educator Corita Kent reflects about our ability to excel and resilience.
60. Happiness is not something that is already done, it emanates from our own actions
The Dalai Lama reflects on the nature of true happiness.
61. Many times, happiness sneaks through a door that you did not know you left open
John Barrymore points out the unexpectedness of some accidents that do not produce joy.
62. No one can hurt me without my permission
One of the most quoted phrases of Mahatma Gandhi.
63. Every now and then it's good to stop the pursuit of happiness and just be happy.
Guillaume Apollinaire talks about the good we can find in the simplicity of the present.
64. If you can imagine it, you can do it
A hopeful reflection of Walt Disney that speaks to us on human potential.
65. Remember that the happiest people are not the ones who earn the most, but the ones who give the most
H. Jackson Brown Jr. links happiness with solidarity and empathy.
66. There is no one happier than someone who is truly grateful
Joyce Meyer talks about happiness related to those lucky moments
67. When we are most alive is when we fall in love
A reflection by John Updike on the euphoria you feel in love.
68. Everything you can imagine is real
Another phrase about the blurred limits of the potential that we carry within.
69. Joy is the simplest form of gratitude
A display of happiness can be a way of reciprocating the help of others.
70. The therapy that cures the most is friendship and love
The humane treatment and empathy, added to a shared time, are basic ingredients of happiness.
71. A friend is what the heart constantly needs
Henry van Dyke points out one of the primary sources of happiness and well-being.
72. Moving on is a simple act, what is left behind is the hard
Musician Dave Mustaine speaks in these terms of resilience.
73. Silence is a great source of strength
This reflection by Lao Tzu points out one of the corners of our life from which we can draw energy to be happy.
74. Great works are not done by force but by perseverance
A quote from Samuel Johnson about what makes big projects a reality.
75. Happiness is only real when shared
A nice reflection on Christopher McCandless.
76. Happiness is not a matter of intensity, but of balance, order, rhythm and harmony. (Thomas Merton)
A way of looking at life with more pause and balance between heart and reason.
77. Do not allow your happiness to depend on someone, because that person will not always be as you think. (Albert Einstein)
If your happiness depends on someone other than you, it is a fleeting happiness.
78. Happiness is a form of courage. (Holbrook Jackson)
Few people are willing to have this positive life attitude.
79. If you want to understand the word happiness, you have to understand it as a reward and not as an end. (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)
It is the reward for positive processes and personal development, according to the author of The Little Prince.
80. All happiness depends on courage and work. (Honoré de Balzac)
The fundamentals necessary for a full life.
81. If the day has not been worth it, it is because you are accumulating smiles for tomorrow. (Boño Toboso)
Reflection of the popular Barcelona poet.