Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Lebrija

Manuel Jesus Ruiz He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and it is also important to mention that this specialist has a remarkable experience of more than 27 years practicing psychotherapy in people of all the ages.

We can go to his consultation if we detect that we are going through a serious depression, an anxiety disorder, a relationship crisis or a stage with very low self-esteem.

Andres Navarro Martin He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Huelva and has a Master's degree specialized in the Conflict Resolution, which was issued by the online training club Disclosure Dynamic.

This psychologist has extensive experience treating some difficulties such as lack of control over impulses, anxiety disorders, very low self-esteem or work stress.

J. Carlos Sánchez Benitez He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and a specialized Master's degree in Family Orientation and Mediation, awarded by the National University of Distance Education.

In the consultation of this specialist, some psychological difficulties such as anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) or depression can be treated with great efficiency.

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Miguel Angel Rivas Muñoz He graduated in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and later, he studied a Master specialized in the practice of Behavioral Therapy also through it college.

Over the years, this psychologist has treated on several occasions some psychological difficulties such as low self-esteem, work stress, phobias or complicated stages of grief.

Lucia Losada Páez She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Seville and a Master's degree from the University of Malaga, specialized in the specific field of Health Psychology.

Her academic training allows this specialist to be very efficient in treating difficulties such as phobias, anxiety disorders or chronic depression.

Juan Manuel Doblado Romero He completed his basic studies in Psychology at the University of Seville and after spending some time, he thought that He had to specialize in Child Psychology so he did a specific Master's degree through the University of Nebrija.

This specialist is an expert treating some difficulties such as agoraphobia, sleep disorders, addictions, depression or difficult stages of grief.

Rocío Muñoz García She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Huelva and a Master's degree from the University of Córdoba, specialized in the specific area of ​​General Health Psychology.

Throughout her professional career, this psychologist has been able to acquire great skill in treating some difficulties such as addictions, Alzheimer's or intra-family conflicts.

Manuel Jesus Romero Abad He has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the University of Seville and also, we should have very note that this psychologist has more than 30 years of experience working within the field of health mental.

This psychologist specializes in the treatment of some difficulties such as disorders of the anxiety, chronic depression, hypochondria or in those difficulties that normally suffer from teenagers.

Cristina Andrades He obtained his degree in Psychology at the University of Seville and after obtaining his accrediting degree, he made the decision to specialize in General Health Psychology through a Master's degree that was also taught by the same college.

Currently, this specialist has great ability to treat some psychological difficulties such as anxiety disorders, depression, work stress or low self-esteem.

Pedro Pablo Herrera He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Huelva and a specialized Master's Degree in Sports Psychology, issued by the National University of Distance Education.

Among its most frequently treated difficulties can be found some well-known ones, such as anxiety, eating disorders, low self-esteem or work stress.

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