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The benefits of clinical hypnosis

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Within the wide repertoire of therapeutic techniques and resources available to psychology, clinical hypnosis is one of those that usually attracts the most attention. This is partly due to the myths that circulate about this practice, and partly also due to the sensational use of hypnosis in television shows and other content around the world audiovisual.

However, beyond all mystique, hypnotherapy is a very useful tool to address certain disorders through scientifically validated procedures. In this article we'll talk about the potential of clinical hypnosis.

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What is clinical hypnosis?

Let's start with the basics: what exactly is clinical hypnosis? It involves the use of hypnosis adapted to be used as a therapy tool for physical and psychological disorders, and which are based on the modulation of the state of consciousness and the management of the attentional focus.

In this context, hypnosis is used by a duly qualified health professional, and its objective is to mitigate symptoms associated with physical and / or psychological discomfort. On the other hand, hypnosis does not make patients lose control of their actions or place them in a permanently altered psychological state.

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Benefits of clinical hypnosis

We are going to see what are the main benefits of clinical hypnosis, which can be classified into two main blocks: treatment of anxiety and pain.

Treating anxiety

Phobias, generalized anxiety, panic disorder ... Anxiety problems are among the most common psychological problems, and clinical hypnosis has shown be an effective resource when treating them (although in practice it is used in combination with other procedures).

The state of consciousness to which patients are induced through hypnotherapy helps them to detach themselves from the intrusive thoughts that give rise to the psychological rumination and anxiety, and also facilitates a "reset" of the mind, so that the person is able to look from face what worries you and address it in a more constructive way, without giving in to paralysis by anguish.

Thus, clinical hypnosis makes it possible for people to get used to what would normally lead to a state of great anxiety, seeing it for what it really is and without feeding that fear by getting lost in assumptions and catastrophic predictions.

Also, taking into account that excess anxiety and stress is present in many disorders psychological, this type of intervention can also be used in cases of depression, OCD, addictions, etc.

Pain treatment

Another of the most important benefits of clinical hypnosis has to do with its ability to equip the patient with a higher tolerance to pain, causing the latter to produce significantly less discomfort.

It is important that in these cases the effect of hypnosis is not the total elimination of pain, but the fact of experiencing it in a much less intense way, due to an adaptation of the way of using attention.

For this reason, hypnotherapy can be used in cases of chronic pain, post-operative, in the face of diseases that cause inflammation, etc.

Are you interested in going to psychological therapy?

If you want the support of expert professionals in clinical hypnosis and other effective forms of psychotherapy, please contact us.

On Advance Psychologists We have been working for more than 20 years to increase the well-being of our patients, and we offer services in individualized psychological therapy, family and couples therapy, neuropsychology, psychiatry, speech therapy and coaching. You can find us in our center located in Madrid, and we also carry out online therapy by video call.

Bibliographic references:

  • Braid, J. (2008). The Discovery of Hypnosis: The Complete Writings of James Braid, the Father of Hypnotherapy. London: National Council for Hypnotherapy.
  • Jensen, M. and Patterson, D. R. (2006). Hypnotic treatment of chronic pain. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 29: pp. 95 - 124.
  • Mauer, M.H.; Burnett K.F.; Ouellette, E.A.; Ironson, G.H.; Dandes, H.M. (1999). Medical hypnosis and orthopedic hand surgery: pain perception, postoperative recovery, and therapeutic comfort. The International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 47 (2): pp. 144 - 161.
  • Moix, J. and Casado, M.I. (2011). Psychological Therapies for the Treatment of Chronic Pain. Official College of Psychologists of Madrid: Clínica y Salud, 22 (1): pp. 41 - 50.
  • Robertson, D (2012). The Practice of Cognitive-Behavioral Hypnotherapy: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Hypnosis. London: Karnac.

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