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What is the Great Wall of China

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain "What is the Great Wall of China".

What is the Great Wall of China. The Great Wall of China It is an ancient Chinese fortification built and rebuilt during the S. For. C and XVI d. C. Above all with the usefulness of protecting the Chinese empire (especially to the northern border) from successive threats and invasions by nomadic peoples from the north (either the Mongols or Manchurians). It is estimated that, between what is the main branch of the wall and its various ramifications, it has a length of approximately 21,200 km. It is also between 6 and 7 meters high and about 4/5 meters wide. As we say, it served above all to protect itself from the nomadic tribes of the north and that is why the wall goes; from the border with Korea to the Gobi desert. We can speak of 5 very clear and defined periods of the construction and subsequent reconstructions of the wall. The first period would be the one before the Qin unification and we are talking about the S. XVIII a. C. where China had a feudal system (it was divided into a lot of small states) almost always fighting each other.

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