Morphine: characteristics and effects in the short and long term
Either because on some occasion it has been administered to us, by general culture or because we have read or seen it on some occasion, most of the population knows what morphine is. This substance derived from opiates produces a deep anesthesia while usually generating pleasant sensations. However, most people usually have a vague and general idea of its effects.
In this article they will present the effects of morphine, both short and long term.
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Morphine as a psychoactive substance
Morphine is a psychoactive substance derived from the opium or poppy plant. This drug is like the rest of the derivatives of opium a powerful depressant agent of the nervous system, forming part of the group of psycholeptic substances.
Thus, morphine has effects that mainly are associated with decreased brain activity and that cause a powerful relaxing, analgesic and narcotic effect. In fact its own name evokes these effects, since it comes from the Greek figure of Morpheus.
In addition, apart from this narcotic effect, it also causes pleasant sensations, such as the feeling of floating and a certain euphoria.
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Its use
The use of morphine it is widely used medically as an anesthetic and analgesic when it comes to fighting the pain of some surgeries or diseases such as cancer.
It has also been used occasionally to treat drug addiction and withdrawal symptoms. heroin, drug derived from morphine. However, you run the risk of acquire dependence and addiction to this substance, so its use must be highly regulated.
On the other hand, in some cases it has been used recreationally. Consumption is usually through intravenous route, although there are presentations in the form of ingestible tablets.
It must be taken into account that its consumption can have powerful side effects that can even put the lives of the subjects at risk if the dose is not controlled properly.
Mechanism of action
Morphine, like most opium derivatives, has its action in the body due to its interaction with endogenous opioid receptors present in our body, of which it is an agonist.
Similarly, it has an effect on the synthesis and transmission of noradrenaline, producing less transmission of this substance.
Short-term effects of morphine
The short-term effects of morphine are many and varied, generally the reason why they are applied both medically and in other situations. However, side effects or harmful effects can also occur if the dose is excessive. Some of them are as follows.
1. Analgesia
Morphine it is one of the most powerful pain relievers known, causing the absence of pain perception in most cases. The pain they produce cancers, trauma, heart attacks or surgeries can be medically treated with morphine or some derivative of it.
2. Sedation
Another of the main effects of morphine is sedation, which can range from mild relaxation to drowsiness excessive and prolonged. In fact, such is its potency in this regard that excessive administration could cause the patient to coma.
3. Initial euphoria
Derivatives of opium such as morphine initially generate a high level of euphoria and later go on to cause feelings of relaxation and drowsiness.
4. Gastrointestinal and digestive tract disorders
It is not uncommon for people who take morphine to have gastrointestinal upset, as well as constipation, dry mouth, nausea, and vomiting.
5. Effects on muscles: feeling of heaviness, warmth, or stiffness
It is common for one of the effects of morphine to be a feeling of heaviness in the muscles of the extremities. However when doses are high, morphine can cause high rigidity in the abdominal and thoracic muscles, as well as in other muscle groups.
6. Effects on the respiratory system
As we have said, morphine causes a depression of the nervous system which generates the analgesia and sedation previously described. One of the nuclei that reduces its activity is the one linked to respiration, which gets slower and shallower.
It can also cause a depression of cardiorespiratory function that can lead to the death of the user if the dose used is not controlled.
7. Lowers blood pressure
Another effect of morphine occurs at the level of blood pressure, which is reduced by reducing the performance of the autonomic nervous system. Also can cause bradycardia or arrhythmias.
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8. Pupillary myosis
As with heroin, morphine often causes disorders such as miosis or constriction of the pupils.
9. Hallucinations
Sometimes the consumption of morphine produces the perception of elements that do not find a correlation in the real world.
However, outside of hospital settings where the dose is being controlled, this effect usually indicates the presence of severe poisoning.
10. Seizures
Sometimes, and especially in the event of an overdose, reactions in the form of agitation, tremor, and even seizures uncontrolled.
Long-term effects
Generally, the use of morphine occurs in specific and controlled contexts in which a large number of doses are not used, or it is used as a palliative element in terminal patients. In these cases the existence of serious long-term effects is not usually considered.
However, sometimes morphine consumption has to be prolonged for some time, or the user uses it frequently regardless of professional indications. In these cases, in addition to the possible short-term effects, those that have accumulated consumption over time must be added, the main risk being the acquisition of tolerance and dependence to the substance. In this aspect we can consider the following effects.
1. Dependence
One of the possible long-term effects of morphine if there is more or less frequent consumption, as with the rest of opiates, is the acquisition of dependence on it. Morphine is a substance with a high addictive potential, like heroin, which can have serious mental and behavioral consequences.
2. Cognitive and impulse control effects
One of the long-term effects of morphine in those cases in which prolonged and continuous use is made and dependence occurs is to cause alterations such as decreased judgment, dysphoria, and decreased impulse control.
3. Severe constipation
One of the effects of morphine is the presence of intestinal discomfort and difficulties in excretion. In the long term, severe constipation can occur for the regular user.
4. Social problems and risk behaviors
Dependence and withdrawal from this substance or other types of opiates can generate impulsive and antisocial behaviors, which can come from the disconnection and loss of relationships even committing robberies or even blood crimes in order to obtain resources to get a dose.
Risk behaviors such as syringe sharing between dependent people, which can lead to the spread of diseases such as HIV and hepatitis.
5. Abstinence syndrome
The cessation of consumption in dependent consumers, if carried out abruptly, can generate serious effects on health. At a physiological level, it usually produces dysphoria or emotional discomfort, anxiety, craving or desire to consumption, vomiting and diarrhea, pain, mydriasis or pupillary dilation, insomnia, fever and even seizures
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Alterations in pregnant women and infants
Morphine can be transmitted through blood or breast milk, so it should not be used in pregnant or nursing mothers. It can generate dependency in the offspring, with which in addition to the possible short-term effects it can have serious repercussions for the baby's development.
Bibliographic references:
- Santos, J.L.; García, L.I.; Calderón, M.A.; Sanz, L.J.; de los Ríos, P.; Izquierdo, S.; Roman, P.; Hernangómez, L.; Navas, E.; Ladrón, A and Álvarez-Cienfuegos, L. (2012). Clinical psychology. CEDE Preparation Manual PIR, 02. CEDE. Madrid.