Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Motivational Speakers in Spain

Enhamed Enhamed He is a well-known Spanish lecturer and athlete who also has a degree in psychology from the European University of Madrid, in addition to having completed a master's degree in Internet Business and being a specialist in the field of coaching and personal development, giving conferences throughout the territory.

Throughout his professional career, he has had the opportunity to care for patients through third-generation therapies, through through positive psychology, and has also treated patients with anxiety, depression and stress problems, achieving very good results.

Francesc Porta He has a degree in psychology from the University of Barcelona and a master's degree in high-performance sports psychology and coaching sports, having given conferences and helping athletes in the field of tennis, basketball and athletics, among others sports.

Over the last few years he has had the opportunity to give lectures around psychology, sport and motivation, in addition to caring for patients with low self-esteem problems and in situations of dependency emotional.

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Manel Fernandez Jaria is a specialist in the field of mentoring and coaching aimed at entrepreneurs and management positions, and has a professional career of more than 25 years in charge of developing leadership functions in teams managers.

He has a master's degree in psychopedagogy, and has also completed a postgraduate degree in emotional intelligence for organizations, and he is an expert in coaching, emotional intelligence and neurolinguistic programming, achieving very good results.

Francisco Aparicio Felipe He has a degree in psychology from the Open University of Catalonia, has a postgraduate degree in clinical psychopathology from the University of Barcelona, ​​and is also a specialist in coaching and development personal.

Throughout his professional career, he has cared for patients affected by situations of low self-esteem, for problems in relationships, and addictions to alcohol, tobacco and other types of substances addictive.

Tomás López García He has a degree in psychology from the National University of Distance Education, he has completed a postgraduate degree in child and youth psychopathology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona.

He stands out for having experience in acceptance and commitment therapy, in positive psychology, and is also a specialist in personal and sports coaching, offering the most effective tools so that patients can achieve their objectives.

Xavier Alonso Ribas He has a degree in psychology and a master's degree in clinical psychology focused on people adults, in addition to being a health psychologist and being part of the Official College of Psychology of Catalonia.

Throughout his professional career, he has held conferences related to coaching and personal development, as well as care for patients with low self-esteem, and with different types of phobias such as fear of flying or fear of spaces open.

Angel Luis Guillén Torregrosa He has a degree in psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, has completed a master's degree in psychology general health by the Distance University of Madrid, and is also a specialist in neuroscience and resilience.

He stands out for being a lecturer in the field of coaching and personal development, in addition to serving patients in situations of low self-esteem, and with disorders such as anxiety, depression and stress, getting very good results.

Maria Perez Maldonado She has a degree in psychology from the University of Valencia, has a master's degree in community mental health from the same university, and also has a master's degree in sexology from the University of Alcalá de Henares.

Over the last few years she has had the opportunity to serve people who want to improve their personal and professional well-being, conducting motivational and coaching sessions with results excellent.

Chelo Gandia Valdés She is a well-known Valencian psychologist who has a degree in psychology from the University of Valencia, in addition to having extensive experience in integrative humanistic psychotherapy.

During all these years he has cared for patients who wanted to make a change in their life, offering his help for the her guidance both personal and professional, in addition to treating people with problems of anxiety, depression and stress.

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