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MOST important Roman emperors

Most important Roman emperors

Image: Slideshare

The Ancient Rome it went through many phases throughout its history, the last of these processes being the so-called Empire. The most important figure at this stage was that of the emperor, these being the rulers of Rome from the end of the Republic until the disappearance of Rome. Not all emperors were equally important, and that is why in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to talk about the most important Roman emperors.

The High Empire is the way in which the period of the Empire is called that goes from its formation to the rise of the Emperor Diocletian in 284. You can tell that this is the time of greatest splendor of the Roman Empire, and therefore it is where the most important emperors appear. Next we must comment on those we consider the most important emperors of the High Empire.


August is considered as the first emperor of the Roman Empire, ruling between the years 27 a. C. and 14 d. C. It is not only relevant for having been the first of all the Roman emperors, but its great importance is due to the fact that it is the emperor who managed to rule for more years. He is considered to be the person who achieved the transition from Republic to Empire, something that his uncle, Julius Caesar, had already started.

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Possibly the worst emperor of all those who served in office, Caligula's importance is not due to to his achievements, but because of his actions it was shown that not everyone was worth to be the leader Roman. Among his greatest mistakes is the failure to conquer Britain, the great disputes between the Roman rulers and the emperor, and especially the great number of scandals that his government.


The first of the emperors of the Antonine dynasty, being emperor between the years 96 and 98. He was an important senator during some of Rome's worst years, and as emperor he was characterized for trying to return rights taken away by his predecessors, but also for their economic problems and military.


The first emperor of non-Roman origin, born in the very Hispania, and ruling Rome from 98 to 117. His government is characterized mainly by his great military feats, the emperor being who achieved the greatest expansion in the history of the Roman Empire.


Another of the Roman emperors whose origin could be found in the Iberian Peninsula, ruling the Empire from the death of Trajan until 138. His great administrative reform he improved many aspects of Roman economics and politics, but also confronted him with several of senators, who did not agree with the powers that the emperor gave to certain officials.

Marcus Aurelius

Possibly the most cultured emperor of all, achieving tremendous feats in philosophy and writing. He was emperor from 161 to 180, in a period of great struggles against barbarian peoples, being considered a person with a spirit being able to agree to peace with several of these peoples.

Maximinus the Thracian

This emperor occupied the seat of government between the years 235 and 238, being a brief but intense government. It is considered that the government of Maximino was the end of an era and the entrance to another, being the intermediate point between the High and Low Empire. His accession to the throne was mostly caused by his great victories on the battlefield, being very different from most emperors, who used to be promoted by their political life or by their power economic.

Top Roman Emperors - Top Roman Emperors of the Upper Roman Empire

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To conclude this lesson on the most important Roman emperors we must talk about the most important emperors during the Lower Empire, being as a general rule quite less competent than those of the High Empire. The Lower Empire is the period from the rise of Diocletian as emperor to the end of the Roman Empire of the West in 476, this denouement being largely due to the bad government of the emperors and the strong political crises caused by this.


Considered the first emperor of the Lower Empire, his government extended from 284 to 305. Diocletian was born into a humble family of Illyrian origin, but he was climbing positions in the government until reaching the position of emperor. He was the first to use the tetrarchy to rule, dividing the Empire into four emperors due to its great size.

Constantine the Great

Considered the best emperor of the Lower Empire, ruling from 306 to 337. His Empire was at a sustained extent, but he was not able to stop the Empire from splitting into two parts. His greatest action was legalize Christianity through the Edict of Milan, being the major responsible for the beginning of the predominance of this religion that would become so important in Europe and in the world.


Nicknamed as the Apostate he was emperor between 361 and 363. He is especially famous for having tried to outlaw the Christian religion and return to paganism, although he did not go back to the times of the persecutions. After his death the new emperor did not take too long to restore Christianity as the official religion of the Empire.


Emperor from 379 to 395, beginning his government in the East area, for later pass to the entire Empire, being the last emperor to rule the entire extension of the Empire without divisions. His death meant the final division of the Empire into the West and the East.

Top Roman Emperors - Top Emperors of the Lower Roman Empire

Image: Slideshare

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