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Cleopatra's Story - Short Summary

Cleopatra's Story - Short Summary

Cleopatra, is considered one of the most important women in history since she was the last ruling pharaoh of Egypt, belonging to the Ptolemaic dynasty. She is also famous for being the protagonist of a love story between her fiancé Julius Caesar and her lover Marco Antonio, for whom she used the same weapon, the seduction, because according to legend she is characterized by being a beautiful and attractive woman, this weapon was the one that helped her in some way to stay as close as possible to the throne. Next, in this lesson from a TEACHER we offer you a short summary of the story of Cleopatra with the highlights of her life.

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  1. Cleopatra's story: a shared throne
  2. The meeting with Caesar
  3. The fight between Ptolemy and Caesar
  4. Cleopatra and Julius Caesar
  5. Cleopatra and Mark Antony

Cleopatra's story: a shared throne.

Cleopatra was born in Egypt around 69 BC. C. When his father Ptolemy XII died, he inherited the throne along with his brother Ptolemy XIII, whom he also married in 51 BC. C. her when she was only 18 years old.

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The conflicts between the two to seize the throne and despite being brothers and spouses led to the expulsion of the throne to Cleopatra. It is the moment of the appearance in this story of Julius Caesar, who had defeated Pompey in the Battle of Pharsalia, decisive to consider the end of the republican era and the beginning of the Roman Empire.

Pompey after this battle and with his army practically destroyed takes refuge in Egypt, Caesar when he learned of the political situation of the country in which he was taking refuge summoned both brothers to reach a reasonable agreement, since Ptolemy XIII had given him the power that in the event that any problem with the inheritance to the throne happened between his children, Caesar could order in Egyptian affairs.

Both Cleopatra and Ptolemy did not know Caesar personally, however, Ptolemy was a great admirer of his. While this conflict was being resolved both had armies that often entered war conflicts.

In this other lesson we will discover the characteristics of ancient egyptian culture.

The meeting with Caesar.

We continue with this short summary of the story of Cleopatra speaking, now, of her meeting with Caesar. Caesar, for this meeting, settled in a palace eager to resolve the matter to return to Rome as soon as before since the political situation of this one worsened more and more, due to the numerous internal conflicts.

Legend has it that Cleopatra's procession entered the room where Caesar was and moments after Among twelve slaves who were transporting a huge tapestry that little by little they were unrolling appeared the beautiful Cleopatra The engrossed emperor realized what he was offering himself in exchange for his collaboration for her to regain her throne.

César, a man experimenting in love affairs, did not allow himself to be carried away by the daring and daring of that woman and, as her ruler, she only gave him part of what she wanted and in the same way she addressed he. It can be said that he reconciled both brothers so that the throne was shared again, however, the conflict was not resolved because again Ptolemy and his army fought against Caesar's army to drive the Romans and Cleopatra out of Egypt as they considered Ptolemy the legitimate heir of the throne.

Caesar tired already of such altercations decides to fight against the army of Ptolemy, although it was never his intention, but he was forced to fight.

Cleopatra's Story - Short Summary - The Encounter with Caesar

The fight between Ptolemy and Caesar.

César in this situation is forced to save his life, so he begins to request reinforcements for combat. However, he again forgives Ptolemy to avoid any disaster that might happen by inviting him to the throne with his sister.

So many missed opportunities and complications continued to arise, Caesar lost and patience is ready to fight resolutely against Ptolemy's army, from which he was victorious due to the superiority of his army, for this they took the city of Alexandria, which was burned, hence the name "Battle Alejandrina ", in which Ptolemy died, getting Cleopatra what she so longed for, the throne, to rule Egypt in an absolute way.

Already being queen Cleopatra, Caesar, who was her lover, encourages him to marry hers by another brother Six-year-old Ptolemy XV and thus avoid gossip about his romance. Cleopatra agrees with the difference that this brother did follow her guidelines, even so, when this she was going to turn 14 where she could already take care of real affairs, when she reached the age, she she poisoned.

Cleopatra and Julius Caesar.

We continue with this short summary of the story of Cleopatra to stop for a moment on the relationship between the pharaoh and Julius Caesar. Time made César fell more and more in love with her and that, even for a time, it kept him in Egypt away from the political, social and military problems of Rome.

At that time Cleopatra became pregnant, giving birth to her son, Caesarion, in the year 47 a. C. Caesar returns to Rome to resume pending issues and defeats the rebels against Rome in Hispania, and also manages to dominate the supporters of Pompey.

Once all, Cleopatra left Rome where she was lavishly received by Roman high society; Caesar even had a sculpture made of what was his wife to be exhibited next to Venus, the goddess of love, in his temple. Already in Rome and once settled Cleopatra meets a military man, Marco Antonio, Caesar was very fond of and it was believed that this would be his successor.

Both established a relationship that over time would go further, becoming a clear romance, some Roman sectors began to show their disagreement with Marco Antonio since he wishes to become the new emperor of Rome, and even according to legend Cassius tried to convince Brutus that he was another son of Caesar to kill Marco Antonio. The truth is that shortly after Caesar died assassinated in the year 44 a. C. in the Senate by supporters of Brutus and Cassius.

Cleopatra and Marco Antonio.

After the death of Julius Caesar, Cleopatra repeated the same action as with this one and it was to use her weapon, seduction. Marco Antonio was fighting with Octavio Augusto at that time for power.

Marco Antonio and Cleopatra had to return to the East her to impose her forces against the Parthians, one of the peoples that revolted, conquering Armenia in 34 BC. C. her creating a new kingdom. In the year 30 a. C. Augustus moved his army there to fight against Marco Antonio and the confrontation took place in the Naval battle of Accio in which Marco Antonio was defeated by fleeing with Cleopatra towards Alexandria, a city that Augustus also managed to take and in which Marco Antonio ended up committing suicide thrusting a dagger into her belly.

Shortly afterwards Cleopatra tried again and for the third time to seduce Octavian Augustus, however, he was reluctant to his charms and Cleopatra in this situation ended up committing suicide also with the bite of an asp.

Cleopatra's Story - Short Summary - Cleopatra and Mark Antony

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