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Why is burundanga dangerous?

Burundanga is a drug that in the collective imagination has been constructed more through urban legends than through proven facts. It is a substance that is said to be used basically to override the will of victims of abuse and rape, since it would not leave traces in the body after a few hours.

This has led to it being seen as a kind of "ghost" substance, which is very difficult to detect and study. Nothing is further from reality.

In this article we will talk about what exactly is burundanga and why is it really dangerous.

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What is burundanga?

Scopolamine, also known as burundanga (especially popularly, outside of scientific research circles) is an anticholinergic drug originally developed to treat motion sickness and that later it has also been applied as an antiparkinsonian and antispasmodic.

This alkaloid is found in some plants such as belladonna or mandrake, and it has been some cultures and societies use it in religious rituals or as natural remedies pre-scientific; however, the chemical compound was isolated for the first time around 1900.

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The burundanga has a lot of urban legend, because many people believe that the only effect it has on the human body is sedation and amnesia and that in a few hours it has disappeared from the body without leaving a trace (something false, but which motivates its use as a drug to rape).

This has led to its being seen as a substance without the capacity to cause damage in the medium and long term, but the reality is far from that. In reality, what is taken as a simple sedation effect is actually a capable intoxication of generating respiratory failure, heart rhythm disorders, seizures or even the death.

In fact, these effects caused that although during several decades of the 20th century some police units and agencies intelligence used scopolamine as a "truth serum" to try to extract information from people interrogated, end up stopping using this substance.

But as we will see, burundanga is not dangerous only because of the side effects of scopolamine.

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Why is this drug dangerous?

Normally, when talking about burundanga, emphasis is placed on its neuro-psychological effects; specifically, it is known as the drug that "cancels the will of the person."

This means that once it has been consumed, in a matter of minutes the person loses control of their own actions and their consciousness is altered and totally or partially disconnected from what happens to their around. That is why, In the collective imagination, this substance is associated with the criminal activity of those who commit rape or sexual abuseHis method would consist of introducing the burundanga into the victim's drink without the latter noticing, and waiting until he is in a situation of total vulnerability.

However, it is important to bear in mind that the dangerousness of the burundanga goes beyond criminality and harm to third parties; it is a substance that goes hand in hand with many risks also for those who administer it to themselves.

One of the reasons for this is that the burundanga available for use outside of basic or applied science is sold mainly through illegal channels. This means that in addition to generating already dangerous effects such as delusions, hallucinations and the inability to control and coordinate muscles well, it is very common for the drug to be adulterated.

In illegal sale there is no control of what is included in the merchandise sold because obviously quality standards are not applied or They use systematic methodologies to always make the same thing, and it is not uncommon for drugs to be mixed with others, or even with very toxic substances, simply to be able to have more material to sell under the name of what is offered, without the customer know.

Is it possible to develop addiction to burundanga?

It is difficult to develop a degree of dependence towards burundanga that can be considered addiction, due to the problems in obtaining it and its side effects.

Typically, those seeking exposure to stimulating situations linked to hallucinations use other illegal recreational drugs that are marketed specifically with these effects in mind.

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