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The 5 types of heartbreak (and its emotional effects)

"Explode, explode me, explode my heart." This is how the great Raffaella Carrà sang in one of her well-known songs. A few verses later she said "What a disaster if you leave!" and yes, it is a disaster that they leave us: how bad it feels to be in love!

And that's what we're going to talk about today, heartbreak. How many types are there? Well, we cannot pretend to find a scientific answer to something as subjective as love. This is more a matter of the pink press than not of powerful scientific research, but something can be extracted.

And this that we are going to read next is what we have extracted by investigating this complex matter as (dis) love. Let's see how many types of heartbreak there are, or at least how many have been described.

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The main types of heartbreak in personal relationships

Almost everything in love is a mystery, a little joking, a little serious, and it cannot be said that defining just the opposite, heartbreak, is very different. Some will define heartbreak as that emotion we feel when someone we love does not correspond to us. Others will define it as that feeling that arises when a relationship breaks down, be it friendship or passionate love.

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After an exhaustive search through the curious world of celebrity journalism and the pink press, quite far from psychology, we have found several classifications. However, all of them combined give rise to a single system of five types of heartbreak associated with very common social situations.

Within these heartbreaks we find both those that occur after a relationship has been established and broken (that is, there was a sentimental correspondence between two people) and the type of relationships in which one of the parties was in love or was attracted to another person, but that was not reciprocated and therefore there was never a relationship of any kind kind.

1. The first (dis) love

They say that the first love is the most intense, or at least the one that we will remember the most even if it comes to an end, which is what usually happens. Who has not thought that true love is only the first? When it comes to an end, the heartbreak is so great, so intense that you don't even know if you are going to survive. Obviously you survive, but if you are a teenager it seems the end of the world.

You are not sure if you are going to love someone else again, that that person was your other half. It is normal for this heartbreak to last a long time and, poorly managed, it can even destroy you. It's going to hurt, but one day you'll be fine again.

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2. The one with the soul mate

It has happened to all of us that in our adolescence or adulthood we meet someone interesting, someone with whom to establish an interesting and beautiful friendship. It is nothing associated with love affairs or romances, but an intense friendship, someone to count on for a Friday night plan.

He may be a classmate from college, our roommate, or even someone we met at a bar and liked. From the moment you meet, you spend time, a long time. You invite him to your house, you go out to party and you have a lot of fun together, in an intense way. Be that as it may, a friendship emerges that, although relatively recent and formed when mature, is seen as that of a very important friend, a colleague of the soul.

You see him as a great friend, but he may not you. As cruel as he sounds, he may see you as one more person to spend time with, someone to have fun with this season until he meets the next, which will happen. He is a type of person who likes novelty and, after a few months, you are no longer the novelty.

The time comes when either you have to drag him out to stay or he does not answer your messages directly. He is giving you a "ghosting”And you don't know why. It happened that you thought he was a friend and he was just a casual colleague, and you're not going to get him to change his mind. This is where heartbreak happens, your heart breaks a little although it is most likely that you will be sick for a short time, at most a month.

Heartbreak in friendship

3. The one who did not want anything serious

You know someone in your dance class. You talk, you fool around and, well, you know how the night ends. You go out for a season doing things that are meaningful to you, things that indicate that he or she feels love for you, that he loves you. In your mind, love is a serious thing, so in your belief system is not the idea that you go out with someone several times without wanting something profound: It is a love relationship, or so you think.

One day, after doing what we all know is done in bed, you wake up the next morning and surprise! he is gone. He has been a gentleman / lady, he has left you a message: "I'm not looking for anything serious." Your heart breaks into a thousand pieces, not only because they just left you but also because of the uncertainty "Have I done something wrong?", "What happened?" A lot of questions will haunt your restless mind that will make it very difficult for you to overcome the phases of heartbreak.

4. The one with the friend you see every day

Who has not happened to have fallen in love with a friend? They say that it is not at all recommended to go out with friends, and for a reason it will be. You both imagine the following situation: you go out for a while, you are very much in love, but after a few months the breakup comes and it ends very badly. What are you doing? Who leaves the group of friends? Is there going to be a group schism? Will sides emerge?

Going out with a friend from the main group of friends involves many risks and the danger of causing a conflict that is difficult to resolve. Therefore, even if the two love each other, there is usually an agreement not to go out at all. Problem: no matter how much you have agreed to be nothing, the heart still feels something, something for a person that you are going to see every day. This makes heartbreak for something that will never happen even more difficult and long.

5. The one to break up with your best friend

Couples come and go, but the best friend is forever, right? Well, not really. As sad as it sounds, the best childhood friend can stop being our friend for any reason. It is painful because it is a person with whom you probably grew up, you played with him or her in the yard time, in your house or his and also in the park. You shared many moments of your childhood or adolescence, and you will always have him as your friend of reference. He is irreplaceable.

But despite being irreplaceable, things happen. Maybe you changed cities or you had a fight so strong that you could no longer reconcile. He may have passed away. Whatever it is that has put an end to the relationship, the subsequent heartbreak, heartbreak in the sense of losing a great friend, is very intense. A loss so important that it will condition the rest of the friends that we form for the rest of our lives.

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