Education, study and knowledge

The best 10 Psychologists in Cajamarca

Tatiana Barbaran She has a degree in Psychology from the César Vallejo University and has a specialized Higher Degree in Family and Couples Therapy, which was awarded by the Latin American School of Therapy Systemic

Where this psychologist undoubtedly manages to stand out the most, is in the treatment of difficulties such as pain chronic, drug addiction, very low self-esteem, depression or complicated situations of divorce.

Alonso Bedoya Servat He has a degree in Psychology from the San Martin de Porres University and has a training course issued by the center of PSICOTREC studies, which formally accredits him as an expert in the practice of TREC Therapy and Cognitive Therapy Behavioral.

This psychologist is an expert treating some difficulties such as poor management of the emotion of anger, chronic depression, lack of control over impulses or disorders of anxiety.

Eliana Aguilar Aguilar She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the Bolivarian Catholic University and after obtaining her degree accrediting academic, she decided to specialize through a Master in Family Mediation and Intervention.

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We can contact this psychologist if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from a serious depression, a stage with very low self-esteem or excessively high levels of stress labor.

Psycho Allies is a center specialized in the practice of psychotherapy, which is located in the city of Trujillo in Peru.

This center has a department specialized in performing therapies electronically, that is why although not we can move to their facilities we do not have to have any problem if we want to be attended by them specialists.

We can contact this team of professionals if, for example, we are going through a depression, an anxiety disorder, a phobia or a stage with too low self-esteem.

Mariela Sumalavia Casuso She has a degree in Clinical Psychology and has extensive professional experience, practicing Psychoanalytic Therapy both in children and in adults or adolescents.

In the consultation of this psychologist some psychological difficulties can be treated very effectively such as anxiety disorders, attention deficit (ADHD), depression or very low self-esteem.

The Wellness Center It is a psychological cabinet that is made up of a large multidisciplinary team of expert psychologists.

These specialists often treat both individuals on an individual level such as couples or even entire family groups and in addition, it is It is important to mention that they also offer the option to all their patients to be able to be cared for by them by using the currently known ones video calls.

They are great experts in treating difficulties such as anxiety disorders, phobias, work stress or poor management of the emotion of anger.

Annie Galvez She has a degree in Psychology from the Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University and she has a Master's degree specialized in Clinical Psychology, issued by the Cayetano Heredia Peruvian University.

Her remarkable academic training allows this specialist to be very efficient in treating some difficulties such as developmental disorders, adolescent depression, or very high levels of anxiety.

Marianela Terrones Huamán She graduated in Psychology at the Antonio Guillermo Urrelo Private University back in 2013 and since then, she is It is important to mention that this specialist has had the opportunity to be able to dedicate herself continuously to the exercise of psychology.

Over time, this specialist has been able to treat on more than one occasion, some psychological difficulties such as depression, anxiety, developmental disorders, phobias or The insomnia.

Andrea Berenis Huasasquiche Quevedo She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Privada del Norte and since 2015, it should be noted that this specialist is part of the Official College of Psychologists of Peru.

Currently this psychologist offers her services at the SANNA Medical Center located in the city of Cajamarca, a place where if we need we can try to address some of our possible difficulties such as depression, anxiety or stress labor.

Manuel Segundo Machuca Mariñas She obtained her degree in Psychology through the Antonio Guillermo Urrelo Private University and after completing her studies, she got a position as a psychologist at the Cajabamba Hospital, the same place from which she now practices her work.

This specialist can be of great help to us if, for example, we find ourselves suffering from depression, an anxiety disorder, a phobia or a very low self-esteem.

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