Education, study and knowledge

The best 11 Psychologists in Puebla de Zaragoza

The psychologist Irma Malpica She has a degree in Clinical Psychology from the Latin American University of Mexico, has a Postgraduate degree in Neurolinguistic Programming, a Postgraduate Degree in Bioneuroemotion and an Upper Level Training Course Practitioner.

The main therapies applied by this professional in her practice are Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Humanist Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Positive Psychology and the Technique of Emotional Freedom (EFT), a therapy consisting of releasing obstructed and blocked energy in different parts of the body, thus helping to overcome situations of discomfort or trauma.

Likewise, among his intervention specialties, self-esteem problems, addictions, abuse can be highlighted. sexual, anxiety, depression and emotional problems of all kinds, all in person as well as through distance.

The psychologist Mariana Gutierrez Flores She is a specialist in psychotherapy and also in job counseling for young people, adults, adolescents and families, in sessions offered both in person and online.

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The intervention of this therapist covers the whole person and is based on analyzing both the emotional and personal problems such as social, family or work obstacles that the client.

Likewise, the main areas that this professional addresses in her consultation are the problems family members, anxiety, drug and substance abuse, low self-esteem, depression or stress.

In the field of career guidance, this professional is an expert in advising people who are looking for a job and also attending work-related stress cases, job interview skills training, use of essential platforms and networking.

The professionals of the psychotherapy center Emotional Astronaut They specialize in offering a quality therapeutic service aimed at adolescents, adults and couples, in sessions offered both in person and remotely.

The main psychological current that is applied in the center is Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, consisting of modifying current negative thoughts that the person may have by other more adaptive ones, along with other effective orientations such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy and Humanistic Therapy.

In addition to that, the main sources of discomfort addressed at the center are deficits in social skills, depression, emotional problems, impulsivity, behavior problems, insomnia, anxiety and disorder obsessive compulsive.

The psychologist Victor Fernando Perez has more than 15 years of professional experience and throughout her career she has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, seniors and also couples who may be having a bad time in their relationship.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in applying various effective therapies in an integrated way with the aim of successfully address cases of gender-based violence, anxiety and depression, addictions, codependency and low self-esteem.

Víctor Fernando Pérez has a degree in Psychology from UNIVA, a specialist in applying Brief Systemic Therapy and has a Certification in Transformational Coaching.

Norma Marquéz She has a degree in Psychology and has a professional career of more than 33 years, being a specialist in techniques of East and West, in addition to having the certification in Unconscious Trauma, being one of the greatest experts in the territory.

She is also a great connoisseur of psychosomatic psychology, she has done a Postgraduate in nervous diseases and severe pathology, and she is also a great specialist in family psychotherapy and as a couple.

Maria Lucina Del Carmen Armenta She is one of the most recognized psychologists in Heroica Puebla de Zaragoza.

This chartered psychotherapist has extensive experience in managing problems such as stress, anxiety, depression, phobias, and family and marital conflicts. You can trust her to go to therapy with maximum confidence and comfort.

The Clinical Psychologist Valentine Sebastian Cortazar has specialized throughout his career in serving children, adolescents, adults and also elderly people who need it, and currently her services are offered in the modality on-line.

His intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral model, of great proven efficacy and with which he treats disorders of anxiety, phobias, depression, behavior problems, insomnia, drug addiction and the disorder obsessive compulsive.

Valentín Sebastian has a degree in Psychology from the Valle Grijalva University, he has a Certification in Therapy Cognitive-behavioral Level I, a Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and a Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy.

The psychologist Marion lainez marquez She has a Master's Degree in Family Psychology, she has more than 12 years of professional experience and currently belongs to an interdisciplinary group of psychotherapists specialized in developmental development and skills social.

This professional serves children, adolescents, adults of all ages and also families, both in person and online, for those who request it.

Some other of her intervention specialties are addictions, low self-esteem, family conflicts, relationship problems and emotional dependence.

Carlos Lozada placeholder image He has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Puebla, being a great specialist in the treatment of patients affected by emotional problems and learning difficulties, mainly in children and teenagers.

She has treated people with different types of psychological pathologies, including anger management, emotional problems, trauma in childhood and adulthood, and sexual and couples therapy, among other

Juan Carlos Scott He has a degree in Psychology and is a highly recognized professional for being a specialist in career guidance, and in the treatment of disorders in children and adolescents, in addition to having treated people with different types of problems emotional

It offers a personalized treatment based on the characteristics of each patient, thanks to which it can improve the quality of life for people affected by situations of low self-esteem, cognitive disorders, and other types of pathologies.

Cristobal Arellano He has a degree in Psychology and is a great specialist in the treatment of patients affected by pathologies such as her chronic pain, eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, and mood disorders cheer up.

Thanks to his extensive professional career, he has been able to attend a large number of patients during his years as a mental health professional, having improved the quality of life of his patients.

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