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The best 12 Psychologists in Toluca de Lerdo

Maria de Jesus Gutierrez Tellez She has a degree in Psychology and has more than 10 years of experience working non-stop in the exciting field of mental health.

If we decide to go to her consultation, we should know that this psychologist usually uses the well-known cognitive behavioral therapy as the main methodology, a form of proceeding that to date has ensured this specialist great efficiency in the treatment of a wide variety of possible difficulties psychological.

Getting the help of this psychologist can be a very positive thing for us in the event that we are eventually suffering a painful case of bipolar disorder, an alcohol addiction problem, depression or very high levels of anxiety.

Juan Francisco Cruz Govea She has a degree in Psychology from a National Autonomous University of Mexico and has a Diploma in Forensic Psychology, awarded by the well-known International Academy of Science Training Forensics

We should know that as a professional in Psychology, Juan Francisco Cruz is an expert in the treatment of both intra-family conflicts and addictions, although this psychologist She can also help us a lot, in the event that we are experiencing depression, a serious anxiety problem or have recently been victims of a possible case of violence domestic.

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Irma Malpica Batista She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad de Latinoamericana and has a Postgraduate degree focused on Bioneuroemotion and a Master's degree specialized in the use of NLP Therapy.

In the consultation of the psychologist Irma Malpica we will be able to obtain all the tools we need to be able to address some of the our most complicated psychological difficulties such as depression, anxiety, a possible addiction or a personal problem of a very low self-esteem.

The psychotherapeutic center Emotional Astronaut CDMX is one of the most recommended in our country and it provides a professional psychological service both in person and online.

The team of professionals at this center has a high level of qualifications as well as experience when it comes to address any type of disorder or consultation in the field of adolescent therapy, in adults and also in couples or families

The main current applied by the center's professionals is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, with great empirical evidence and with which address anxiety and impulsivity, anger management deficits, behavioral and emotional problems, insomnia or depression.

The psychologist Esther dabbah She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Anáhuac México Norte, has a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Eleia Institute and has a Diploma in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy from the Universidad Anáhuac México North.

His intervention is integrative in nature and is offered online to children, adolescents, adults and the elderly who may be going through a bad time in their lives.

In his consultation you will find a therapist specialized in treating cases of anxiety and depression, low self-esteem, codependency, divorce processes, addictions and family conflicts.

The psychologist Victor Fernando Perez Over more than 15 years of professional experience, she has specialized in serving adolescents, adults, the elderly and couples who may request her services.

Graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac, this professional masters the application of Brief Systemic Therapy and has a Certification in Transformational Coaching.

In his consultation you will find a therapist specialized in online care for anxiety and depression, codependency, low self-esteem, stress, divorce processes, addictions and cases of violence from gender.

The psychologist Gabriel Garcia Ramos He has an experience of more than 16 years and is the founder of the Family & Love center, a psychotherapy clinic where he attends family problems of all kinds, as well as children, adolescents, adults and couples, in online sessions or face-to-face.

This professional has a Master's Degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, a Higher Degree in Life Coach, another from Polygraph and two Diplomas in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Emotional Intelligence and Competences Parental.

In addition to that, among her intervention specialties, cases of depression, conflicts family, emotional problems, sexual abuse, personality disorders and identity disorders sexual.

The Dr. Castel Labastida She has more than 20 years of professional experience and currently serves adults of all ages, as well as the elderly through an online therapy service.

This professional has a Doctorate as a Psychoanalyst from the Mexican Psychoanalytic Association, therapy with which she has specialized throughout her career in exploring each of the client's problems and discovering the origin of the themselves.

Among her intervention specialties, anxiety and depression disorders can be highlighted, low self-esteem, stress, trauma, relationship problems, impulsivity and alcoholism.

Yurianna quiroz She graduated in Psychology from the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and some time later, she specialized through a Postgraduate degree in the implementation of Gestalt therapy.

Being cared for by this psychologist we can try to solve some of our possible more personal psychological difficulties such as an unexpected anxiety problem, stress that is too high, a possible eating disorder or if we have any difficulty with daily control of our aggressiveness.

Beatriz Murillo Vazquez She has a degree in Psychology from the well-known Ibero-American University and also, it is worth mentioning she is an expert in the application of the very interesting and increasingly used Gestalt Therapy.

Together with this specialist we will be able to carry out a very positive therapy that will allow us to face certain things in a much more efficient way. psychological difficulties such as anxiety, stress, eating disorders or depression in the teenagers.

Victor galvez He has a degree in Psychology from the Siglo XXI University Campus of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico and has with a Diploma, which formally accredits him as a specialist in Family Therapy and First Aid at the level Psychological.

In the consultation of this specialist we will be able to address in a much more efficient way some unfortunately so common psychological difficulties such as depression, difficult stages of grief, very high levels of stress, anxiety or the well-known obsessive compulsive disorder (TOC).

Cinthia Elizabeth Hernández Díaz She completed her basic studies in Psychology at the National University of the State of Morelos and later, took a course and attended various congresses in order to specialize both in the practice of neuropsychology and in the application of brief systemic therapy in conflicts relatives.

With the help that this specialist will give us, we will have the opportunity to address in a much more effective way, certain difficulties currently unfortunately as widespread as chronic depression, separation anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder or the increasingly common codependency.

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