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The 14 best Psychologists in Ensenada (México)

The Clinical Psychologist Oscar Villicaña She attends to children older than 2 years, adolescents and also adults, at the Mák Psap Center, of which she is the general director and where she offers face-to-face psychotherapy sessions and also online.

Graduated in Psychology from the UABC, this professional has a Master's degree in Child and Adolescent Psychotherapy and Assessment by CEGESTA, a Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy and another Diploma in Cognitive-Behavioral Psychotherapy Advanced

Her intervention is based on the cognitive-behavioral model, with great empirical evidence, with which she deals with addictions, cases of ADHD, anxiety and impulsivity, depression, relationship problems, cases of sexual abuse and low self-esteem.

Nadir sainz He is one of the psychologists that we can find in the city of Ensenada and has a complete educational background and experience in the field of psychotherapy.

This psychologist has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California and a master's degree from the same institution in psychological sciences. In addition, he specializes in human rights in companies and in emotional disorders such as anxiety, depression and situations of low self-esteem.

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It should be mentioned that she can also help children who are in a situation of bullying and she can also help parents achieve a more positive parenting, thus strengthening emotional ties with children children.

Araceli Casian she has a degree in Psychology from the Autonomous University of Baja California, in Mexico. She completed a Master's Degree in Education, as well as another Master's Degree in Family and Couples Therapy. The therapies in which she is specialized are mainly focused on the family therapy and as a couple, the consolidation of family nuclei and hypnotherapy.

This professional specializes in treating anxiety disorders, chronic pain episodes, depression, and victims of domestic violence. In addition, she has extensive experience working with people with family conflicts, gambling, self-esteem problems and sleep problems, among others.

The Clinical Psychologist Solomon Ancona He has a degree in Psychology from the University of the Americas and a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy from the Society of Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy.

Her intervention is offered both in face-to-face and telematic sessions and she has as main objective to reach the main cause of each of the problems of people of all ages.

In addition to that, some of his main intervention specialties are anxiety and depression disorders, low self-esteem, addictions, emotional problems, family conflicts, stress and abuse of substances.

The Dr. Castel Labastida has a Doctorate as a professional Psychoanalyst from the Mexican Psychoanalytic Association, a tool with the which explores the unconscious of each of its clients to reach the origin of their discomfort, problem or disorder.

More than 20 years of experience guarantee the therapeutic services of this professional and her sessions are currently offered to people of all ages, as well as the elderly, through the modality on-line.

In addition to that, some of the therapies that this professional addresses in his consultation are anxiety and depression disorders, low self-esteem, relationship problems, trauma, stress, impulsivity, emotional problems and alcoholism.

Victor mendoza lara He has a degree in Psychology and is currently working as a psychologist in a center located in Ensenada. He is a professional with a long experience in this region.

This psychologist is a specialist in the development of systemic family psychotherapy, as well as being one of the most qualified professionals in the field of couple psychotherapy.

Genoveva Gutierrez She has a degree in Psychology and works as a psychologist in the Ensenada territory, where her psychological consultation is located. Her main areas of specialty are clinical psychology, anxiety disorders, and personal crisis intervention.

The diseases that she has been able to treat the most throughout her professional development have been grief, work stress and gastritis caused by stressful situations.

Laura Beltran She has a degree in Preschool Education from the Ensenada State Normal School, in addition to having a Master's degree in Psychotherapy for Children by the Tijuana University Center and Professor of Early Stimulation by the University of Xoxhicalco.

This professional is a specialist in child psychology, an area where she has extensive professional and academic experience, in addition to practicing as a health psychologist.

Guadalupe Gutierrez She has a degree in General Medicine and currently works as both a doctor and a psychologist in her practice located in Ensenada. She is a professional with extensive experience in the field of medicine and psychology.

This professional is a specialist in the treatment of conduct disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder and duel, in addition to other diseases related to psychological disorders.

Judith Mendoza She has a degree in psychology and currently works as a psychologist in the Ensenada territory through her online psychological consultation.

She specializes in educational family counseling, cognitive stimulation, and clinical evaluations. She is also a specialist in psychometric and psychopedagogical evaluations for children and adolescents.

Lily cross She has a degree in Psychology and her practice is located in the territory of Ensenada, Mexico. He is a specialist in hypnosis, systemic family psychotherapy and individual psychotherapy.

The psychological illnesses in which she has the most experience are chronic depression, grief, and grief.

Rebeca Garza She has a degree in Psychology and performs her duties as a psychologist in her practice located in Ensenada.

She offers the possibility of online consultations and is specialized mainly in intervention in personal crises and she conducts treatment sessions for people who have problems with managing the duel.

Perla Aguiar she has a degree in psychology and a specialist in family educational counseling.

She has extensive experience in the development of psychometric evaluations, in the elaboration of Wechsler scales and in psychopedagogical evaluations for children and adolescents.

Erika Alejandra Amador She has a degree in Psychology and has carried out her work in clinical and educational areas for more than 9 years, mainly in the area of ​​child and adolescent care.

She is a specialist in the treatment of psychological disorders in children and adolescents, in addition to being an expert in child psychology. She has treated diseases such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD), learning disorders, dyslexia, and selective mutism.

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