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Consequences of the American War of Independence

In this video I will explain what the consequences of the Independence of the United States.

The end of the war came on September 3, 1783 with the signing of the Treaty of Versailles or Treaty of Paris.

The main agreements of this treaty were:

  • recognition of the independence of the 13 American colonies.
  • the territory of the United States stretched from southern Canada to northern Florida and east of the Mississippi River.
  • prisoners from both sides would be released.
  • Britain and the United States would have free access to the Mississippi River.
  • the recognition of the debts had to be paid to the creditors of both parties.

After this agreement, two basic objectives were set:

  • they were going to take care of creating a federal government that was capable of maintaining unity among the 13 colonies
  • expand the 13 states to the west (conquest of the West)

In 1787 the Philadelphia Convention reached an agreement: it established a Presidential Federal Republic and the United States Constitution was promulgated.

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April 30, 1789 George Washington was named President of the United States of America.

The main consequences of the War of Independence were:

Economic Consequences of the Independence of the United States:

  • The United States got rid of the mercantile taxes imposed on them by the British Empire.
  • the conquest of the West begins.
  • Spain annexes large areas of southern North America.

Social consequences of the Independence of the United States:

  • the bourgeoisie in some states began to emerge as a powerful social class.
  • other states continued in estate societies.
  • in France the French Revolution broke out.

Political consequences of the Independence of the United States:

  • the American constitution (1787) was the first in history.
  • the war of independence was the first revolution of a liberal nature.
  • The Federal Republic of the United States implemented the division of powers devised by Baron de Montesquieu.

All this in the video you will find explained in more detail. Also, if you want to check that you have understood the Consequences of the American War of Independence you can do the printable exercises with their solutions that I have left below this explanation.

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