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Maderism and the Mexican Revolution: what did they consist of?

Little or very little has been said about one of the most crucial moments in the political-social history of Mexico, but At the beginning of the 20th century, a series of events occurred that marked the trajectory and destiny of the country for 10 years. The Maderism Movement, by its ideologist Francisco I. Log (1873 - 1913), it was a short but intense period of political revolution in the Latin American country.

Maderism did not last more than a year and a half, among other things, due to its limited revolutionary nature, internal disagreements within the movement and, finally, a coup d'état that was carried out in 1913 by General Victoriano Huerta and with the approval of the United States, which politically and logistically supported the uprising against the hiking. However, the effects of this stage still reverberate in the culture of Mexico.

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The precedents of Maderism

No political or social upheaval can be explained without understanding the background. Mexico had lived for decades

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a time of government secrecy, political corruption and misappropriation of public funds. José de la Cruz Porfirio Díaz (1830-1915), president of the country for almost 30 years, wanted to extend his mandate with a decree that stirred the spirits of society.

The period that Díaz was in power, known as “Porfirismo”, he laid the foundations of a dictatorial government, repressive with civil rights (such as freedom of the press and organization) and that he led Mexico with an iron fist. He imposed his legitimacy by excusing himself in the stability and peace that had been established in the country from earlier times. As is often the case in this type of political system, Porfirio came from an outstanding military career, with the support of the elites and the backing of the army.

Despite the economic improvement in general terms and the modernization of the country, the mandate of the dictator Porfirio was characterized by the impoverishment of the social majority, especially the agrarian, that he saw how their conditions were deteriorating more and more. As if that were not enough, the personalism and despotism that the Porfirian government acquired further fueled the voices against it.

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The role of Francisco Madero

As it could not be otherwise, the Maderism had as its representative the highest representative of it, Francisco Madero, who began his career in politics in 1904, leading anti-reelection policies to avoid a new term for the governor of his state, Coahuila. Later, got involved and supported the Mexican Liberal Party in order to promote a more radical change for the country. However, due to ideological discrepancies, he left the party.

It was that same year, 1906 when He founded the Anti-reelection Party, which had its ideological foundation in the reform of the Mexican electoral system, making it more participatory, more democratic and with the ultimate goal of eliminating the scourge of political corruption. Although it was given less importance due to its brief impact on public life, Maderism also included reforms health and education system, making it more accessible to the common people, quite advanced measures for their epoch.

In this way, Francisco fought with equal forces against President Porfirio in a social and electoral battle, but he was unable to even participate in the elections. Porfirio decides to imprison Madero, scared of the popular support that his movement and person were gaining. Obviously, Díaz wins the elections again and Madero decides to go into exile in the United States. when his bid to be vice president failed.

Plan of San Luis and the fall of Porfirism

Frustrated at having failed in his plan to seize power through legal and democratic means, Madero understood that the only way to bring down Porfirio was through violence and popular uprising. He did so with the famous Plan of San Luis of 1910, where he called to arms for November 20 of that same year. The letter asked the entire opposition to veto the re-elected government, union against it and the direct fight with arms.

Such was the success of the call to rebellion that in just a few months the whole country was in the hands of the rebels, guided mainly by the promises of Maderism to improve the conditions of the proletariat and salaried workers, with measures such as land expropriation and agrarian reforms deep. All of this precipitated Porfirio's exile to the United States.

Failure of maderism

Unfortunately for the country, the madernation turned out to be a mirage. Francisco I Madero did not keep most of his promises to farmers. It took on a much more reformist and moderate character than expected, disappointing his followers. Timid measures to redistribute wealth, the productive system and more political freedom were not enough to legitimize the Maderista government.

Among opponents within its own bosom, and the nostalgic porfiristas, the Maderism found itself cornered and without room to maneuver. Due to these events, his mandate only lasted 15 months, full of instability and fratricidal struggles that They were followed by a coup in 1913 at the hands of Victoriano Huerta. Curiously, this historical moment would mark the future of the next decade of the Mexican country, again plunging into popular revolts and military repression.

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