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Most important historical figures of VENEZUELA

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Historical figures of Venezuela

The history of South American nations has passed through many sections over the centuries, being born as a group of pre-Columbian cultures, then becoming colonies of European states, becoming independent after numerous wars and fighting for decades to form as a state own. To talk about the characters that led these great changes in one of the most relevant South American nations in this lesson from a PROFESSOR, we are going to talk about the historical figures of Venezuela.

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  1. Characters of Venezuela during the colonial period and the conquest
  2. Characters of Venezuela during independence
  3. Historical figures of Venezuela after independence

Characters of Venezuela during the colonial period and the conquest.

The Arrival of the Spaniards to the Venezuelan zone for its conquest and its subsequent conversion into a Spanish colonial zone led to the emergence of numerous vital historical figures to understand Venezuelan history. The colonial stage is situated

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between 1600 and 1810 and that is why we can meet various characters from such a long stage.

Alonso de Ojeda

Spanish navigator and conqueror known for being the person who put the name of Venezuela to the area that he traveled in his first two trips to the American continent. His travels through the Venezuelan lands were vital for his annexation to the Spanish Empire, and therefore it is because of him that later it would become an important part of the Spanish possessions.

Pedro of Cordoba

He was the first Spanish Inquisitor in AmericaThe time he was in Venezuela being especially relevant. He is considered one of the first people to evangelize the American continent, being a great defender of the Indians and criticizing the abuses that the Venezuelan natives suffered by the Spanish people.

Juan Martin de Ampués

He was a Spanish military man named after the first Governor of the province of Venezuela, holding the position from 1527 to 1529. This military officer received his title for his merits in the wars against Italy. He was the first to create cities in the area in order to increase production and achieve economic expansion in the Venezuelan area.

Luis de Unzaga and Amézaga

Spanish military and politician who was Governor of the Captaincy General of Venezuela from 1777 to 1782. It was thanks to his government that Venezuela gained importance in the American region, and for this reason he can be considered the most relevant captain general of the Venezuelan colonial era.

Characters of Venezuela during independence.

To continue this lesson on the most important historical figures of Venezuela we must talk about the heroes of the Venezuelan War of Independence in order to get to know those politicians and soldiers who bet their lives to achieve independence.

Christopher Mendoza

The first President of the First Republic of Venezuela, holding the position for just over a year. Among his main actions are starting the War of Independence, writing the Declaration of Independence of Venezuela and participating in the writing of the first Venezuelan Constitution.

Francisco de Miranda

Considered as the first Universal Venezuelan This Venezuelan politician is considered the greatest promoter of the independence of Venezuela. His life was closely linked to independence values, participating in both the French Revolution and the United States Revolution and the Independence of Venezuela. His independence ideals, such as the concept of Gran Colombia, served as a model for later revolutionaries like Bolívar.

Simon Bolivar

Simon Bolivar is known as the Liberator and it is one of the most important political figures of the history of American independence, he being the founder of Bolivia and of Greater Colombia. Being president of Venezuela, he fought for the creation of a great confederation that would bear the name of Gran Colombia, being a dream that he never achieved. He is considered by many historians as the most important person in Venezuelan history, being the key man of his independence.

Santiago Marino

One of the main military leaders of Venezuela during the War of Independence of the Venezuelan nation. His relevance was such that after independence he held positions related to the army in the new Venezuelan republic.

Historical figures of Venezuela after independence.

To conclude this lesson on historical figures of Venezuela, we must talk about those figures that have had great relevance in the American state from its independence to the present.

Jose Maria Vargas

Seventh president of Venezuela he is considered the first civilian president who was totally against the previous government. Being a president unrelated to military charges his government was useful for the entry into Venezuelan politics of intellectuals and thinkers.

Jose Gregorio Monagas

This military man was president of Venezuela between the years 1851 and 1855, being a government that is known as the Liberal Oligarchy for being a stage marked by nepotism. The great importance of him lies in the fact that he was the president who abolished slavery in Venezuela, through a decree signed in 1854.

Antonio Guzman Blanco

President of Venezuela up to three times he was a key figure in Venezuelan politics for decades, this stage in the history of Venezuela being known as guzmanato or guzmancist hegemony. His three terms as president were complemented by 6 years of other presidencies managed by him, using other politicians as puppets to manage Venezuela from the shadows.

Joaquin Crespo

President of Venezuela on two occasions Crespo was the right hand of Guzmán, reaching the presidency thanks to his support. After Guzmán's death, Crespo held the presidency for 6 years, being marked by an economic and social decline as a consequence of the end of Guzmán's policy.

Eleazar López Contreras

The thirty-second president of Venezuela, ruling for 6 years. During his government the Constitution of 1936, the National Guard and the Central Bank of Venezuela were created. His government full of reforms make him one of the most valued presidents in the history of Venezuela

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