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The 10 most popular pets

Around the world there are all kinds of pets. Dogs, cats, fish, parrots... the list of pets is as long as you want to make it. By proxy, we can consider a beetle as a pet, although it certainly would not be among the most popular pets.

Although we can consider any minimally domesticable animal as a pet, it is clear that there are species more chosen as animals for the home and in this article we will discover which ones They are the 10 most popular pet species.

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The 10 most popular types of pets

Pets are part of society. There are those who prefer the dogs they can walk with, others who like cats more because they are cuddly and less restless. There are even those who enjoy the company of a bird, a fish, or even a lizard. Whatever pet you have, one fact is clear: they are part of many people's lives, even being treated as a member of their family.

There are countries where it is rare to find homes without a pet. A proof of this is the case of the United States, where almost 70% of households have at least one pet. This, which also happens in other parts of the world, goes to show that adopting, buying or raising pets are increasingly practical common, especially as the population is becoming increasingly aware of the benefits of having a pet at home.

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But although there are more who want animals, the decision to have one at home must be considered. An animal does not stop being a living being, not a toy or something that we can get rid of when we have tired of it. Whatever animal it is, if we acquire it to keep us company, we must be aware that it will require many care and a lot of responsibility, which is why we must know how to choose the most appropriate animal taking into account our situation.

We all think of cats and dogs when they talk to us about pets, but the truth is that in the market we can find many different species of domesticated animals, each more suitable for a type of home and requiring different care. For this reason, below we will see the 10 most popular pets.

1. Dogs

The number one position is occupied by the animal that we all know to be man's best friend: the dog. Scientific name Canis lupus familiaris, dogs number about 470 million specimens worldwide.

It is a carnivorous mammal, belonging to the canidae family, whose domestication dates back to about 15,000 years ago. years when the human being began to domesticate wolves interested in the remains of food that people left behind He passed.

Originally used for hunting and defense, with the passage of thousands of years and the use of artificial selection, the dogs were divided into up to 343 currently recognized breeds, of all kinds of sizes, shapes and colors. Among the smallest breeds we have Chihuahuas, weighing about 25 cm and weighing about 25 cm, and among the largest we have the Boxer, 63 cm tall and 33 kilos.

Generally, dogs are friendly, sociable, affectionate and highly intelligent animals. They are the perfect pet not only because of their loyalty, but also because they are very active, which forces us to take them out for walks and play with them. Thanks to this, dog owners do a little physical exercise, either just taking them for a walk, throwing a Frisbee or running.

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2. Cats

What to say about cats that we do not know? They are, along with dogs, the classic idea of ​​a pet. The Felis silvestris catus, of which there are believed to be about 400 million copies worldwide, is an animal of all kinds of races, of different sizes and colors. LThere are all kinds of them, even hypoallergenic like the sphinx cat, the Russian blue and the Siberian forest cat.

The domestic cat is a carnivorous mammal, belonging to the feline family. On average they live about 12 years, although there have been cases of kittens that have reached 20 years. They spend between 12 and 16 hours a day sleeping and, although they are usually sociable and playful, they are not as faithful as dogs and, if we catch them wrong, they can scratch us for no reason. However, they are normally quite calm animals, ideal for those who want tranquility.


3. Domestic fish

Here we already enter the major leagues. Freshwater fish are among the three most common animals in the world, in some cases the fourth most common choice as a pet. These animals, in addition to providing company, are used in a similar way to how birds are kept, using them to decorate the house. Fish and aquariums are elements considered very relaxing and that is why many people incorporate them into their homes.

Among the most popular species of fish is the goldfish or goldfish (Carassius auratus), which was first domesticated in China about 1,000 years ago. This animal can live a long time as long as the water is changed frequently, it is well fed and it is not made to be accompanied by other fish that can attack it. They can live 30 years and there is even the case of a fish that reached 43.


4. Hamsters

Hamsters fall in fourth place by the hair, since they are still considered one of the most common pets, competing with birds and fish alike. What we know as hamsters are actually a subfamily of rodents (Cricetinae), which contains 19 species grouped into 7 genera.

They can measure between 8 and 18 cm in length, weigh between 30 and 180 grams and live between a year and a half and 3 years. They are originally from the Middle East, being found for the first time in Syria.


5. Birds

Birds are very common animals, especially canaries and parrots. It is believed that the first birds were domesticated about 4,000 ago for the purpose of using them for hunting. Over time, thousands of birds of all types and colors that we can imagine have been domesticated.

The main reason why birds are acquired is for their beauty and their song, locking them in cages. It is important to understand that depending on the species the cage may be too small, causing stress and even causing strange behaviors, as is the case of the carolinas that locked up can begin to pluck feathers, making blood.

Without getting into the debate of why having animals caged to sing for us is bad, it is It is important to understand that they are birds, they need to fly and that the decision to buy must be thought through very well a. If the bird is well cared for, is allowed to fly in a large enough space and is fed well, it can live for dozens of years depending on its species.


6. Mice and rats

Mice and rats are the most widespread mammals in the world, after humans. Domesticated mice originate from China, a country where these rodents were kept in palaces in Qing dynasty times.

Mice are part of the genus Mus, while rats are of the genus Rattus. Both genera contain a multitude of species. In the case of gender Mus, the most common species of mouse is the domestic (Mus musculus), which usually measures between 15 and 19 cm with tail included, weighs between 12 and 40 grams and generally feeds on seeds, small plants and insects.

In the case of rats, the most common domestic species is the domesticated brown rat (Rattus norvegicus), this variety being different from that of its wild relatives. Contrary to what many may believe, they are animals that do not pose any risk to the human species if they are well fed and dewormed. They measure between 26 and 32 cm and weigh about 300 grams. Their main utility throughout the last century has been to be used as subjects for animal experimentation.


7. Guinea pigs

The guinea pigCavia porcellus) is a very comfortable pet to keep. It is a herbivorous rodent, the result of the crossing of several species of the genus Cavia over thousands of years, which generally lives between 4 and 8 years and can measure between 20 and 40 cm, weighing 1 kg.

There are believed to be about 5 million guinea pigs as companion animals around the world.

Guinea pig

8. Snakes

Snakes, more exotic than iguanas, have become very popular animals, especially among those with a lot of money.. There are all kinds and colors, poisonous, non-poisonous, large, small, brightly colored... But as a general rule those sold in specialized stores are not dangerous for humans, although It should be noted that they are not domesticated animals at all, only those specimens that have been raised in captivity.

If we are going to acquire a snake we must be careful, since they are still reptiles and as such they do not respond to stimuli as we mammals do. Therefore, before buying a snake, we must document ourselves about the species, especially since they can live up to 40 years, require very specific care and, although they are harmless species for an adult, they can be dangerous for other pets and animals. babies.


9. Iguanas

The common iguana (Iguana iguana) is one of the reptiles that has been gaining the most popularity in recent decades. It is a lizard native to tropical areas of Central America, South America and the Caribbean, which, being so exotic, have attracted the attention of many people.

They are so popular as pets not only because they are quite original pets, but also because they do not give too many problems. Despite what his face of bad smoke may give us to understand, in reality iguanas They are calm animals, quite lazy, and what they like the most is being in their terrarium at a suitable temperature and with a solar lamp. If they are well cared for, they can reach 20 years.

Although their nature is rather passive, enjoying the sun lying on a log, they are not animals to touch their noses. Normally we catch them quite calm, but we must bear in mind that adults can reach 1.8 meters, with tails that they use to hit painful lashes. In addition, adult specimens have a powerful bite that, although they will not tear our skin, it will undoubtedly hurt us.


10. Ferrets

The ferret, whose scientific name is Mustela putorius furo, is a subspecies of polecat (Mustela putorius) what believed to have been domesticated around 2,500 years ago to hunt rabbits. This animal usually weighs between 0.7 and 2.5 kg, measuring about 38 cm.

Ferrets began to become popular pets during the reign of Victoria of the United Kingdom (1840-1901) who gave them away to those who visited her. This curious real anecdote caused that, with the passage of time, ferrets became highly demanded animals, and at present they are highly acquired in places like the United States, being the third pet with the highest popularity.

The reason they are so popular is that they are regarded as a kind of cat-dog. They sleep as much as cats, or even more, getting to spend 20 hours a day of sleep, but at the same time they are as playful and sociable as dogs. In addition, their small size makes them easy to control, although sometimes they are a bit fidgety.


Having pets improves our health

Now that we know the most popular pets, we can discuss some of the benefits associated with having pets, especially for our health. In addition to giving us company and enjoyment, pets help us avoid diseases, physical and psychological problems. Their presence can help us regulate ourselves emotionally, as well as helping us to stay active and relaxed.

In recent decades it has been addressed how pets, especially dogs, bring benefits to our body. Among them we have that they are probiotics, increasing the diversity of beneficial bacteria in our homes, in addition to stimulating the activity of blood cells white, reduce blood pressure and the risk of cardiovascular disease, in addition to that in homes with pets there is a lower risk of developing allergies. They also reduce anxiety and stress levels.

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