Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best expert Psychologists in ADHD in Ceuta

Blanca Bueno Murillo She has a degree in Psychology and is an excellent specialist in the treatment of disorders due to anxiety, depression and stress, in psychotherapy in adults, and in the treatment of patients affected by situations of low self-esteem.

She has also treated people affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, known as ADHD, and in the improvement of academic results in children and adolescents, obtaining very positive results in these cases.

Vanesa Estepa Menacho She has a degree in Psychology and is a great specialist in the treatment of children and adolescents affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, also known by the acronym ADHD.

He is an expert in caring for children and adolescents affected by learning problems, including dyslexia, lack of concentration, poor school performance, and study techniques focused on improving academic results.

David Alvarez Montano He has a degree in Psychology and is a great expert in those disorders that affect children and adolescents, in the field neuropsychology, and in cases of dementia such as Alzheimer's, which mainly affects the elderly advanced.

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Among his main specialties, the treatment of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders stands out, also known as ADHD, people with Autism, and with Asperger's syndrome, among other pathologies.

Emilio Diaz Moreno he is a great expert in psychiatry in children and adolescents affected by different types of psychological pathologies, in addition to being a specialist in the field of neuropsychology, having improved the psychological well-being of many people.

Among the pathologies that he has treated the most, the cases of attention deficit disorders and hyperactivity, learning disorders, and anxiety, depression and stress disorders, among others.

Almudena Naharro Moreno She has a degree in Psychology and is an expert in psychological care for children and adolescents, especially those people affected by attention deficit hyperactivity disorder that negatively affects their performance school.

He has also treated other types of pathologies such as situations of low self-esteem, different types of phobias such as agoraphobia, relationship problems, and dependency emotional.

Juan Francisco Herrera Alarcón He is a Graduate in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education, has a Master's Degree in Neuropsychology Clinic from the University of Valencia, and has also completed a Master's Degree in General Health Psychology from the University of Salamanca.

Throughout his professional career, he has specialized in treating children and adolescents with learning problems caused by behavioral problems, ADHD, autism, and other conditions psychological.

Fernando Gallego Garcia placeholder image He has a degree in Psychology and is a great specialist in treating patients affected by deficit disorders attention and hyperactivity, improving the study techniques of the youngest who are going through poor results schoolchildren.

She has also treated other types of patients affected by anxiety, depression and stress disorders, eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia, and in situations of low self-esteem.

Jorge Luis Gomez Vallecillo He has a degree in psychology and has a career of more than 25 years as a psychologist in the Altea Psychology Center, a renowned office located in the south of Andalusia with an excellent route.

Throughout all these years he has had the opportunity to treat patients affected by different types of pathologies psychological, including attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders, and school performance problems, among others.

Maria Fernanda Camacho Muriano She has a degree in Clinical Psychology and is a great expert in the field of clinical psychology, and in the treatment of patients affected by ADHD, also known as attention deficit disorder and hyperactivity

He has also treated patients affected by other types of pathologies, among which are eating disorders such as bulimia and anorexia.

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