Education, study and knowledge

The late Middle Ages in Spain

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain The Late Middle Ages in Spain.

The late Middle Ages is the last Middle Ages period. The end of the Middle Ages. It is a time that goes from 1,200 to 1,474. That is, it covers the thirteenth, fourteenth, fifteenth centuries. We will go into more detail about what happened in each century because there were fluctuations almost at the European level that also had their importance in Spain. XIII CENTURY: The feudal system It was running out, the characteristics of the kingdoms and populations required another type of government and little by little, the monarchies were gaining weight from the feudal nobles. Finally the absolutist monarchies where the king has the power of the entire territory will end up ruling.

There was a great demographic expansion and territories that they belonged to Al-Andalus. Also at this time appear the urban centers called "burgos". XIV CENTURY: clear descent through the so-called trilogy of grief; plague, famine and war. This century is considered a century of crisis. XV CENTURY: clear agricultural, demographic recovery... The reconquest of the territory is finished in addition to the discovery of America by Christopher Columbus.

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To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video on the Late Middle Ages in Spain and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

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