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The 9 myths and false topics about suicide

Suicide is a very complex phenomenon, like practically everything related to death.

However, in this case part of that "interest" is not given by the act of committing suicide itself, but by the myths that circulate about this phenomenon.

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The main myths about suicide

Then we will see the most common myths about suicide and we will see why they are based on falsehoods.

1. The Suicide's Discretion

There is a myth according to which he who wants to end his own life does not say so, which leads to not pay attention to subjects who in one way or another express their suicidal ideas or threaten to commit suicide act.

However, the reality is that out of every ten people who commit suicide, nine of them clearly and timely express their purposes; the remaining subject hinted at his intentions without the need to express them verbally.

2. He who warns is not serious

Another myth would be the following: the one who says it does not do it, he only expresses it so that these warnings act as a form of

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emotional blackmail, manipulation, etc. In other words, they don't want to die, they just show off.

However, while it is true that although not all those who attempt suicide wish to die, it is a serious mistake to label them as alarmists, since they are people to whom their useful coping mechanisms have failed and therefore they no longer find valid alternatives to continue, except to end their life.

Virtually all people who commit suicide expressed it with obvious words, gestures or changes in behavior.

Thus, those therapists who deal with cases related to suicidal behavior should take all the necessary Possible precautions when dealing with a person who talks about ideas, plans, or intentions to finish with his life. Each and every expressed threat of harm to yourself they should be taken very seriously.

3. The myth of impulsivity

According to another myth, suicide is always impulsive and occurs without prior warning from the subject.

Beyond this preconceived idea, the evidence shows that suicide may seem impulsive, but it has generally been considered for some time before it is consummated. Many of the accomplished suicides express some kind of verbal or behavioral warning about their intentions.

4. A very firm decision

Many people believe that suicide bombers really want to die or are willing to end their lives at all costs, as they have made an almost immutable decision.

However, it is proven that the majority of people with marked suicidal ideas communicate their thoughts and / or plans to at least one person related to them just before attempting to kill themselves, or they call a crisis hotline or their GP, which is evidence of ambivalence in the thoughts, not of immovable intention to end his life.

  • You may be interested: "This is how the suicide thinks about death"

5. The myth of "the safe zone"

Another misconception is that when a person shows signs of improvement or survives a suicide attempt, he is totally out of danger.

The reality is that one of the most dangerous moments is the one that occurs immediately after the crisis or when the subject is in the hospital after an attack.

The week after discharge from the hospital is when the person is particularly fragile and in serious danger of making an attempt on her life again.

Since past behavior is a predictor of future behavior, the suicidal person is still at risk.

6. The myth of heredity

According to another myth, suicidal behavior is hereditary.

What the science really says, however, is that not all suicide can be strongly linked to hereditary factors, and studies on this are quite limited. On the other hand, a family history of suicide is an important risk factor, particularly in families where depression is common.

7. Suicides have a mental disorder

People who try to commit suicide they do not have to have a mental disorder. Suicidal behaviors are known to have been associated with depression, substance abuse, schizophrenia, and other mental disorders. However, this association should not be overestimated since there are cases in which there was no obvious mental disorder.

8. If a suicide is challenged, he does not dare to kill himself

What science says is that challenging the suicide is a completely irresponsible act, since you are facing a highly vulnerable person and in a crisis situation where your coping mechanisms have failed miserably, thus dominating the desire to end their lifetime.

9. Inciting suicide with ease

Another myth says that if you talk about suicide with a person at risk, You can be prompted to do the act, even inadvertently.

Despite this, it is widely proven that talking about suicide with a person at risk, rather than inciting, provoking or introducing this idea into his mind reduces the danger of committing it and in many cases it may be the only possibility of rescuing the subject.

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