Education, study and knowledge

The 9 best Coaches in Las Rozas

The psychologist Andrés García Notary He has a Master's Degree in High Abilities, is a Doctor of Psychology and an expert in different areas of intervention, such as clinical psychology, coaching or university orientation.

Throughout a career of more than 25 years, this professional has combined teaching with psychological practice in consultation both in person and online in people of all ages.

Some of the areas that Andrés García Notario attends in the field of coaching are addictions, anxiety disorders, behavior problems, school difficulties and family conflicts, all together with a multidisciplinary team of professionals.

The psychologist Maria González-Aller Zavala She has a degree in Educational Psychology from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has a Postgraduate Degree in Clinical and Psychology Health, she is a specialist in gender violence and in her consultation she offers a Coaching service both in person and on-line.

His intervention integrates different useful therapies adapted to the needs of adolescents, adults and also couples, being their major specialties behavioral problems, family conflicts, cases of depression and problems of stress and self-esteem.

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Jessica Arroyo has a professional experience of more than 25 years and currently offers a Business Coaching service based on in its own methodology, for all those people who have a company or clinic belonging to the field of Health.

His coaching intervention process is offered both in person and online, with all possible comforts for the client. On top of that, some of her main specialties are planning and establishing goals in the company, increasing motivation and improving teamwork within the organization.

The psychologist Lorena Lillo Gay She has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, she is an expert in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, one of which she presents better results and is also an expert in personal coaching, a service that she offers both in person as online.

Some of her specialties are anxiety disorders, depression, communication and social skills training, emotional dependence, and suicidal behaviors.

The psychologist Patricia by Miguel Maure She has a Master's Degree in Clinical and Health Psychology, she is a specialist in Coaching, EMDR Therapy and in her consultation she attends to all kinds of problems in the fields of psychology and coaching in people of all ages ages.

Thus, her intervention is also offered online and some of her main specialties are: deficits in social skills, relationship problems, bullying and the acquisition of life habits healthy.

The psychologist Sonia Navajo She has a degree from the Complutense University of Madrid, has a Master's degree in Psychotherapy through Ericksonian Hypnosis and is a certified coach by the International Coaching Community.

In his consultation he also applies different therapies adapted to the needs of each person, to address problems such as stress or anxiety disorders and also favor personal development processes and professional.

The Health Psychologist Marisa Garcia Roso She is an expert in sexology and also in personal coaching, services that she offers both in person and online in her office in Las Rozas.

Thus, this professional is specialized in attending to any type of problem that causes discomfort in the person, be it the emotional problems, cases of anguish, sleep disorders, self-esteem problems and modification of styles of lifetime.

The psychologist Antonia Sagrado Plana she is a specialist in personal coaching applied to people of all ages and integrated with other proven therapies.

Among her specialties, marital problems, lifestyle modifications, stress and personal development processes of all kinds can be highlighted.

The psychologist Sandra Santirso she is a specialist in Clinical Psychology, Couples Therapy, Personal Coaching and also Executive.

In her consultation she treats cases of emotional dependence, sexuality disorders, depression and disorder obsessive compulsive, and in the field of Coaching she can help you achieve goals both personally and professional.

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