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The best 13 Psychologists in Premià de Mar

The psychologist Marta Lozano Throughout his career, he has specialized in serving children of all ages and also adults who may have any type of problem.

His services are offered online and some of his main intervention specialties are cases of anxiety and depression, emotional and relational problems, low self-esteem, impulsivity and abuse of substances.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​this professional has a Master's Degree in Cognitive-Social Therapy from the same university and a Master's Degree in Holistic Psychology from Shefor.

The Physician and Psychotherapist Miguel Camarasa He graduated in Medicine from the National University of Rosario, has a Master's degree in Psychoanalytic Therapy from the iPsi Center for Psychoanalytic Training.

His intervention integrates the psychoanalytic approach together with the Brief Therapy, depending on the needs of each client and Due to his extensive knowledge in Medicine and Psychotherapy, he can attend any type of consultation, as well as prescribe medicines.

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His intervention is offered online to adolescents, adults and the elderly who may have problems anxiety and depression, addictions of all kinds, low self-esteem, bipolar disorder or disorders of the personality.

Pol Osés Poblet he is one of the most recommended psychologists in the whole area of ​​Barcelona city and El Maresme.

Graduated in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, ​​her professional career has experiences in management of groups, individual therapy and coaching focused on achieving goals, both individually and for teams. You can trust him for any situation you want to work in an environment of trust, active listening and comfort.

Laura Migale she is a psychologist specializing in therapeutic intervention for adolescents and adults. Her office is in Barcelona but she also works in the Maresme area.

This therapist is trained in acceptance and commitment therapy, psychoanalytic therapy and therapy family and partner, so it can cover a wide spectrum of situations that require work emotional. She attends in several languages: Catalan, Spanish and Italian.

The psychologist Ana Sancer directs the center Essential Therapyher, a space for therapeutic intervention in which she cares for adults of any age and especially couples who may be going through a bad time.

This professional she integrates classic psychological therapies with alternative therapies adapted to the needs of each client, among which we can highlight Psychodynamic Therapy, Mindfulness, Neuro-linguistic Programming or meditation.

Said integrative intervention allows Ana Sáncer to treat any problem that the person may present, mainly cases of emotional dependence, toxic relationships, deficits in conflict management, emotional instability, grief or depression.

Mercedes ullod She has a degree in Psychology from the Open University of Catalonia, she has a Master in Ericksonian Psychotherapy and she is a specialist in this type of therapy by the Milton Erickson Institute of Phoenix.

Thanks to her career as a professional, she is a great expert in the treatment of anxiety disorders, in strategic therapy, and in acceptance and commitment therapy. She has treated patients affected by self-esteem problems, various types of addictions, and pain disorders.

Carla putti She has a degree in Psychology, a Master in Integrative Humanist Psychotherapy from the Erich Fromm Institute, and is a Phase III Brainspotting Therapist from the AEB.

This psychologist is a specialist in integrative humanistic psychotherapy, in adolescent psychotherapy and in adult psychotherapy. In addition, she has treated a large number of patients affected by situations of low self-esteem, panic attacks and aggressive attacks.

Fatima Benslaiman She has a degree in Psychology, a specialist in treatment through Mindfulness techniques, and has a long experience as a general health psychologist.

The disorders that he has treated the most in his patients are related to anxiety disorder, personality disorders and grief situations, among other types of alterations.

Sergi Casaponsa He has a degree in Psychology and has more than 5 years of experience in clinical psychology and therapy in the field of mental health.

He has treated different types of patients affected by severe depressive disorders, anxiety disorders and conduct disorders, obtaining very positive results in his patients.

Hector Florit She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Barcelona and is specialized in Psychopathology in adults. Additionally, he is an expert in child and adolescent disorders, clinical psychology, and adolescent-focused psychotherapy.

The disorders that she has treated the most are related to depression, conduct disorders, and adolescent depression.

Laia sancho She has a degree in Psychology and a specialist in disorders in children and adolescents, in family therapy and in psychotherapy for adults.

Throughout her career, she has treated patients with difficulties in performing the job position, in cases of child-parent abuse, and in disorders related to anxiety and depression.

Esther Hernandez She has a degree in Psychology and an expert in clinical psychology and EMDR therapy, being she a specialist in treating patients with deep psychological trauma.

She has treated a large number of patients affected by addiction disorders such as alcohol and tobacco, in addition to having treated patients with eating disorders, such as bulimia and anorexy.

Cristina Fontanella She has a degree in Psychology and is a specialist in the treatment of disorders in children and adolescents, in clinical psychology and in adolescent psychotherapy.

The disorders he has dealt with the most are related to agoraphobia, stress disorders, and grief situations.

Psychologist Athva Depression and Anxiety Clinic

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