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The 11 best psychologists for Couples Therapy in Las Rozas

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The psychologist Maria Garcia-Aller Zavala She has a professional career of more than 20 years in which she has become one of the most experienced and recognized therapists in the northwestern area of ​​Madrid. Her intervention is aimed at adolescents, adults and the elderly, whose consultations she addresses through an eclectic intervention adapted to the characteristics of each particular case.

In the academic field, we can highlight this professional as co-author of “Difficult situations in Therapy ”reference book for psychology students of the Complutense University of Madrid.

Thus, anyone who needs an expert professional in couples therapy can safely request the services of this professional psychologist expert in dealing with cases of domestic violence, self-esteem problems, relationship problems and cases of depression.

The psychologist Maria Paz Holguín She is an expert in Couples Therapy, as well as in the field of family conflicts and Child and Youth Therapy. Her intervention model is Cognitive-behavioral, one of the most used in therapy and based on modifying the person's maladaptive thoughts in the present moment.

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In addition to that, in her consultation she has specialized in enhancing the internal capacities of the person to achieve any type of behavioral and emotional change, being some of her main intervention specialties, cases of depression, trauma, anxiety disorders, cases of divorce and deficits in the management of the wrath.

The psychologist Romina Paola Giarrusso She directs the PSiCOBAi Psychology Center, one of the most recommended options for having psychotherapeutic assistance in the Las Rozas and Majadahonda area.

This professional offers her clients more than 10 years of experience helping couples both time to overcome crisis in the field of affective connection and marriage, as in raising children little ones. In addition, she also offers online therapy by video call.

The psychologist Rebeca Carrasco Throughout her career, she has specialized in providing a professional couples therapy service and currently her sessions are offered online with all possible comforts.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialized in treating cases of anxiety and depression, divorce processes, family conflicts, low self-esteem, addictions and pain chronic.

Rebeca Carrasco is Graduated in Health Psychology and Educational Psychology, she has a Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology, a Master in General Health Psychology, a Master in Relational Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy and extensive training in Therapy EMDR.

The psychologist Sandra Hontanilla She is specialized in addressing any type of consultation in couples and families through a therapy based on the understanding of the problem and constant support.

So that anyone who is interested in putting their case in the hands of this professional and going to her services, in her consultation you will find a specialist in attending, also online, self-esteem problems, deficits in communication skills and cases of depression or anxiety.

At the psychologist's office Brígida Higueras Madsen We can also find an expert professional in offering a couples psychological therapy service, as well as perinatal guidance for parents who need it.

Thus, the main therapeutic intervention specialties that we will find in her consultation are cases of emotional dependence, postpartum depression, sexual dysfunctions and breastfeeding disorders.

The psychologist Alicia Martinez Santaella has to his credit an experience of more than 30 years in the exercise of psychological therapy professional intervening mainly in adults and couples who require any type of care psychological.

There are many intervention specialties that we will find in this therapist's office, among the main we can highlight the cases of depression, anxiety disorders and problems of self-esteem.

The psychologist Sonia Navajo Martinez she serves couples and families through an integrative cognitive-behavioral orientation therapy, one of the most recommended by professionals around the world.

In her consultation we will obtain a quality intervention specialized in offering tools to improve communication skills, sexual behavior problems and addictions around kind.

The psychologist Patricia by Miguel Maure He will attend to adults, adolescents and couples in his consultation through a humanistic approach integrated with other therapies.

Among her therapeutic intervention specialties, we highlight self-esteem problems, impulse control disorder and communication problems.

At the psychologist's office Catalina Garcia Vargas We will find a professional intervention indicated for couples, families and parents who may need it.

Her interventions will address from problems in raising children to relationship conflicts in the couple or anxiety during pregnancy.

The psychologist Blanca Sancho González She is an expert in attending to any query related to Sexual and Couples Therapy for anyone who needs it.

Among her specialized intervention we highlight sexual dysfunctions, eating disorders and obsessive compulsive disorders.

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