Education, study and knowledge

The 10 best Psychology Clinics in Logroño

Anne Guilbeau She has a degree in Psychology and, in addition, she has a Master's degree focused on the specific study of Psychopathologies.

Today this specialist has her own psychology office located in the heart of the city of Logroño, in this place she treats very frequently all kinds of psychological difficulties, although some such as anxiety, depression or stress are usually the most recurring.

Psychology 360 is a platform formed by a large team of psychology professionals in which They mostly specialize in the correct application of psychotherapy through the use of video calls.

From the comfort of our home, together with these specialists we can effectively treat some of our possible psychological difficulties such as anxiety, low self-esteem, depression or even a possible addiction.

Ana Rosa Saenz Latorre She has a degree in Psychology from the National University of Distance Education and has a Master's degree also issued by this same university, specialized in the implementation of Hypnosis Clinic.

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She is an expert treating difficulties such as anxiety disorders, ADHD, very low self-esteem, depression or obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD).

Felix Gorriz Larrañeta He has a degree in Psychology from the University of Salamanca and since 1994, he is one of the founding members of the Psychoter Psychology Center located in the city of Logroño.

We can go to the center where this specialist is located if, for example, we are going through an unexpected relationship crisis, we need to carry out a psychological expertise or if we suffer a psychological difficulty such as stress, lack of libido or a addiction.

In the Psychology Psychology Center They have a great experience practicing psychotherapy in people of all ages and also, on the other hand, it is important mention that these specialists also tend to dedicate a large part of their efforts to the specific field of development personal.

These specialists can help us greatly if we suffer from an anxiety disorder, very high levels of stress, we have difficulties to control our impulses or if we are simply going through some type of character problem labor.

Adara Psychology is a center formed by a large multidisciplinary team of psychologists in which they treat people of all ages and in addition, they also frequently take some training courses aimed at both psychology professionals and parents first timers.

Some difficulties that these specialists have dealt with on more than one occasion are addictions, couple crises, lack of motivation in sports, work stress or very low self-esteem.

The Emotional Wellbeing Center It is made up of a group of psychologists who are experts both in the practice of psychoanalytic therapy and in the correct use of EMDR therapy.

These specialists have more than 17 years of experience practicing psychology, thanks to which they have been able to acquire a great ability treating some difficulties such as anxiety, work stress, depression, phobias or disorders of the feeding.

PsychoRioja It is a multidisciplinary center located in the city of Logroño, to which all of us can go whether we are suffering from a psychological or psychiatric difficulty.

In this center they are great experts in conducting psychological expertise, in the search for solutions to possible family conflicts and also in the practice of psychotherapy infant-juvenile.

Maria Heras She has a degree in Psychology from the University of Deusto and has a specialized Master's Degree in Brief Psychotherapy granted by the San Jorge University of Zaragoza.

Currently this psychologist has her own psychological center called María Heras Psychologist, a place where this specialist usually treat very often, some difficulties such as attention deficit, eating disorders, insomnia or phobias

Clara Martinez She obtained her degree in Psychology through the University of Salamanca and after spending some time, she specialized via Master in the use of Emotional Psychotherapy.

If we go to her consultation, we must know that together with this specialist we can treat very effectively some difficulties such as anxiety, low self-esteem or postpartum depression.

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