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Summary of the Mexican Revolution

In this new video from Unprofesor we will explain a "Summary of the Mexican Revolution".

Summary of the Mexican Revolution. Mexican Revolution It is an armed movement that began in 1910 and is a rebel movement led by Francisco Maduro against the autocrat Porfirio Diaz (He had seized power in a military uprising in the 1870s). Is revolution is characterized by various leaders of whose socialist, anarchist, liberal, populist ... against the autocrat who was in power at that time, Porfirio Diaz. They claimed, these revolutionaries, guarantee the rights usurped by the government to the indigenous population and the peasantry. Also the return of lands to indigenous peasants. In 1876, Porfirio Diaz, gave a military coup and seized power (in which he spent 30 years). They were revealed because, said government, gave many privileges to the upper classes in less than the underprivileged classes.

To know the subject in more depth, do not miss the complete video about "Summary of the Mexican Revolution" and practice with the exercises that we leave you below.

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