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Understanding anxiety in times of COVID-19

During these months, much has been said about the various effects that the COVID-19 pandemic has had on our mental health, calling it "the other pandemic".

It is observed, to a large extent, that the population is reaching very high levels of fear and anguish, which that has acted as a trigger for symptoms of different kinds, the most common of all being anxiety. That the current situation has caused us a reaction of this caliber, is logical and normal.

  • Related article: "Types of Anxiety Disorders and their characteristics"

Faced with the pandemic, is anxiety that I suffer from something pathological?

The word "anxiety" is used more and more, both in clinical language and in popular language, sometimes being used as an interchangeable synonym for "fear".

For this reason, it is convenient to clarify some differences between these terms: both translate into feeling insecure, but fear is oriented to the present, it is an automatic, biological and adaptive defense reaction, before the perception of a danger (fear can be rational or irrational). It is of high intensity, of negative affect and lasts as long as the dangerous situation lasts.

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On the other hand, anxiety is oriented towards the future; that is, it is the ability to anticipate an event that can be harmful to us. This function can be adaptive when the intensity and frequency of the symptoms are adapted to the danger of the event that is feared, and allows us to anticipate and act.

However, when the anxiety reaction is disproportionate, when identifying its cause is not easy, and When the person with these symptoms feels very limited by them, we could say that, far from fulfilling a useful function, it may be a clinical problem that needs professional help.

At first faced with the pandemic, the bulk of society reacted with fear, logical: fear of the virus, fear of getting sick and fear that family and friends will get sick. For this reason, we adapt to the restrictions, and the behavior of the great majority was aimed at minimizing risks, so that little by little, the crisis became something more controllable.

But as we got used to living with the new situation, new threats appeared: fear of not finding a job or of losing it if you already have it, fear of losing quality of life, fear of not being able to face expenses, fear of loneliness, of feeling limited when it comes to accessing rewarding activities ...

It is here, when drawing the line between what is clinical and what is not, becomes somewhat complicated. It is important that we ask ourselves a series of questions to position ourselves: is my anxiety related to something that I can identify? Is the magnitude of my discomfort appropriate to the stimulus that causes me insecurity and its probability of occurrence? Is my anxiety guiding me to action or is it preventing me from taking charge of my life? Has it become uncontrollable for me?

How does anxiety manifest itself?

Anxiety is not a unitary phenomenon, but manifests itself through three components; This is known as the triple response system.

Cognitive component

It refers to internal experience, taking into account individual differences when perceiving and evaluating the states associated with anxiety. In this component we also find a series of irrational thoughts that not only facilitate the appearance of anxiety, but also maintain it.

Physiological component

Experiencing anxiety is often accompanied by somatic symptoms that are due to an activation of the autonomic nervous system. These symptoms can be: sweating, trembling, increased muscle tension, heart racing, dry mouth, rapid breathing... How the person interprets these symptoms helps to consolidate the subjective state of anxiety.

  • You may be interested in: "Autonomic nervous system: structures and functions"

Behavioral component

Anxiety usually pushes us to behave in an elusive and avoidant way. It makes a lot of sense that we try to get away from what we perceive as harmful; But be careful, keep in mind that, sometimes, we are perceiving things unrealistically, and Furthermore, if we get used to avoiding and letting ourselves be carried away by our anxiety, it is difficult to we will overcome.

In another vein, clarify that anxiety also has an effect on our facial expression and body posture.

What consequences will having high levels of anxiety have on me?

Anxiety may already have become disabling when you have trouble concentrating and sleep and eating routines are disrupted (either too much or too little). You are very likely to have a feeling of constant worry that is perceived as inappropriate, intrusive thoughts, irritability and restlessness. It is also possible that a feeling of mental heaviness is perceived that makes decision-making very difficult, as well as the appearance of excessively intense reactions to last minute changes.

With this article we would like to help depathologize behaviors that are actually normal. We are going through a difficult time as a society and there is nothing pathological in reacting with anger, anxiety or sadness. Now, if these emotions are flooding us, it is completely fundamental to recognize the need to express, accept and transform them.

It is quite possible that this situation has acted as a trigger, or as a straw that broke the camel's back in many people who, for one reason or another, have collapsed. Therefore, it is a good time to consider evaluating our behavior patterns, our thoughts and our emotional regulation strategies.

Finally, mention that, if you feel that lately this situation is being very difficult to handle, and you have felt identified with the article, you should know that this can be changed. U.S, Introspectia PsychologyWe work every day to provide psychological support to people who are going through difficult times. Do not hesitate to contact us if you need it.

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