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7 supplements that help improve intelligence

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The study of intelligence psychologists have always been interested, and that is why many studies have been carried out to try to understand what this quality really is and how we can improve it.

Although most of the efforts by specialists have been focused on the mission of better understanding the nature of intelligence and the genetic and educational factors that may influence it, some research has pretended to know what nutrients can improve intellectual performance.

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Nutrients and supplements that improve our intelligence

There is a lot of research that seems to indicate that food influences our intellectual performance. An example of this is a study carried out by Holford and Lawson, in which they observed that there is a strong positive correlation between a diet high in sugar and simple carbohydrates and a low intelligence.

In this sense, there are also many studies that have tried to find the existing relationship between the intake of certain nutrients and the improvement in the performance of some functions cognitive.

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In the following lines you can find a list with the nutrients and supplements that can help improve intelligence or better preserve it over time.

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1. Creatine

Those people who are in contact with the world of physical exercise have surely heard of creatine, an organic substance found in the muscles and nerve cells of living organisms. It has a similar structure to amino acids.

Creatine increases athletic performance, especially when working on anaerobic endurance, strength, speed, or power. It is also used by those who want to increase their muscle mass because it retains fluid in the muscle, which allows a more muscular image to be obtained.

According to some research, creatine also improves cognitive performance. Data suggest that it improves memory and attention, as well as playing a role in cellular energy.

2. Caffeine + L-Theanine

Caffeine is a well-known stimulant that is consumed throughout the world. It brings a series of benefits for people; for example, it increases wakefulness and reduces fatigue, has a protective effect against dementias, speeds up metabolism and helps to lose weight. It also has a diuretic effect.

However, studies suggest that caffeine by itself does not improve performance in tasks that affect learning and memory, but it does if it is combined with L-Theanine, an amino acid that we can find in green tea. It also produces other benefits such as improvements in working memory, attention, concentration and change of attentional focus, as well as visual processing.

3. Spanish sage (Salvia Lavandulifolia)

This herbaceous perennial plant is found in Spain and the south of France. It is an aromatic herb that increases acetylcholine levels. Consequently, it produces benefits in memory and improves mood. Scientific studies also conclude that it is beneficial in cases where a person suffers Alzheimer's. It also produces an antidepressant, anxiolytic, estrogenic and anti-inflammatory effect.

4. Rodiola Rosea

This plant grow in the cold regions of the northern hemisphere and belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Scientific data seem to indicate that improving cognition and memory, in addition to producing other psychological benefits such as decreased levels of mental fatigue and anxiety. Likewise, its benefits appear in situations in which it is necessary to use memory, calculation, concentration skills and speed in audio-visual perception.

5. Panax Ginseng (Asian Ginseng)

It is easy to find Ginseng in any country, as it is a very popular supplement that has been used for centuries as part of Chinese medicine, but which is also used in the West today. Studies suggest that it improves work memory and attention span. It also has an invigorating function on a sexual level, reduces fatigue and improves mood.

6. Gingko Biloba

As in the previous case, another of the best-known supplements of our days is Gingko Biloba. It is a unique tree native to China associated with improvements in memory, attention and concentration. Studies indicate that it is effective for use in patients with dementia. It also has an anxiolytic effect.

7 Omega-3 fatty acids

Despite the fact that fats tend to have a bad reputation, especially due to saturated and trans-saturated fats, because they promote obesity and cardiovascular diseases, there are also healthy fats.

Among the healthy fats we find the polyunsaturated ones, and some of the best known are the Omega-3 fatty acids, which are found mainly in fish, but also in nuts. Its consumption is associated with a lower age-related cognitive decline, which is why it favors the prevention of Alzheimer's. Research indicates that it improves memory, concentration and attention span. It also improves mood.

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