Education, study and knowledge

Development of the First Industrial Revolution

In this video I will explain the development of the First Industrial Revolution. To do this, you will have to take into account two concepts: the Commercial Revolution and the primitive accumulation of capital.

The Commercial Revolution it began with the great navigations of the 15th century and went on to the industrialization of the 18th century. In this period Europe was the richest continent in the world because of the discovery of new routes to India and the discovery of America. This fact caused the Europeans to appropriate new tropical products, precious metals and slaves. and a great world market was formed that served to concentrate wealth in European countries and was called primitive accumulation of capital.

Is First Industrial Revolution it arose only in England because of English naval supremacy as England controlled world trade on a large scale. Also, there was a great availability of labor and due to this the wages of the workers decreased and therefore there was an increase in productivity. In addition, there was a great availability of raw materials: in England there were many coal, wool and cotton mines.

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There were also great technological advances that made life change like the steam machine which gave a huge boost to textile industry. Apart from the steam engine there were other inventions:

  • 1755: flying shuttle
  • 1764: Jenny spinning machine

The metallurgy industry it also developed during the Industrial Revolution: machines made of wood were replaced by machines made of iron.

There was also innovations in transport and communication systems:

  • 1807: the steamboat
  • 1814: the steam engine
  • 1836: the telegraph
  • discovery of electric current law or Ohm's law

You will find all this explanation much better explained in the video and also illustrated with images that will help you better understand the First Industrial Revolution.

Also, I have left you on the web a sheet of printable exercises with their solutions so that you can check that you have learned everything explained in today's lesson.

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