Main inventions of the First Industrial Revolution

Image: Universal History
The Industrial Revolution It was characterized among many other things by the transition from an agrarian economy to an industrialized one, characterized by the predominance of the production of manufactured goods. This transformation was the result of a wave of technical progress and major changes in the way of using human strength, so in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we are going to see the main inventions of the First Industrial Revolution since it was a period in which new technical devices were created that managed to establish the foundations of our modern society.
The mechanization of the production process began in the textile industry. The production of fabrics from wool or cotton in Great Britain was an important economic activity for centuries, without However, this production was done manually with tools also made by hand, such as the spinning wheel or the spinning wheel.
The first invention of the First Industrial Revolution was the flying shuttle by John Kay in 1733, allowing tissue capacity to be doubled. Faced with the new demand for yarn, another invention would arrive, the
spinning machine Spinniing Jenny (1734) that multiplied the capacity of the spinners.Until then, despite not ceasing to be mechanisms, the human force had not stopped being used as energy, however with the appearance of The new Water Frame spinning machine (1768) was the first to use hydraulic power, that is, now the new driving force was the Water.
The most important step was taken with the invention of the first power looms moved with steam engines, without a doubt the symbol of the Industrial Revolution. In just over fifty years and as a result of these inventions, artisanal production was replaced by mass production.
In this other lesson from a TEACHER we will discover the characteristics of the First Industrial Revolution.
The steam machine (1769), as we have already said previously, was without star innovation of the First Industrial Revolution. Until now, the work had been practically manual except for hydraulic power, but with the appearance of the steam engine, brought with it increased production, and the invention of new systems of transport like the steam locomotive and the Steamboat.
On the system of hauling wagons on rails thanks to the pushing of animals in 1829, Stephenson invented the locomotive applying the steam engine capable of moving on rails, this idea led to the emergence of the railway as a means of transport to move both goods and people with greater safety, thanks to its speed (between 32 - 40 kilometers) and enormous Loading capacity.
The first railway line moved by steam power was Liverpool - Manchester in 1830, two cities linked to the textile industry. The great expectations that were carried out created by the railroad, produced a great stock market boom of construction companies that reached its peak in 1846.
In 1807 the first steamship sailed down the Hudson River after Robert Fulton applied this new energy. Little by little, sailing ships were replaced by steamboats, which, above all, made it possible to considerably shorten transatlantic voyages.
In this video we discover the development of the First Industrial Revolution so that you better understand this moment in history.

Some other inventions that were carried out in the Industrial Revolution and not least was in the agricultural sector with the incorporation of new methods of planting such as seeder Jethro Tull that facilitated the fact of cultivating more quickly, another of the inventions was the Rotherham plow that allowed to go deeper into the earth to carry out the sowing of seeds.
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