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Lenin and Stalin: differences

Lenin and Stalin: differences

The life of the USSR surpasses the theoretical ideologies of communism, because as we will see below in this lesson of a PROFESSOR, depending on the person in power, one or the other would take force element. So we will see the differences between Lenin and Stalin, the two best known political leaders of the USSR and as we will see below, they hardly had anything in common. For this we will see part of his political rise and the most important elements within his governments to understand how different their ways of acting were.

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  1. Who was Lenin
  2. Stalin 1879-1953
  3. The differences between Lenin and Stalin

Who was Lenin.

Before starting with the differences between Lenin and Stalin, we are going to know who Lenin was. The most interesting of his political life will be found from March 1917, at which time theRussian Revolution, which ended the system of tsarist Russia. He was one of those who defended that the only ones who could take control of the situation were the soviets (members workers who had been operating since before the fall of the monarchy), an idea that would be reflected in the named

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April Thesis.

In this way, when the Congress of the Bolshevik party took place, these ideas were used to elevate the proletariat even above the bourgeoisie, leaving between seeing what would happen in Russia in the years later.

All this series of movements would cause him enmity with the provisional government and for that reason he would have to flee to Finland, from where he urged a total revolution to take control, an idea that became a reality on November 7 of the same year of 1917. From that moment he was elected as president of the Council of People's Commissars, or what is the same head of government.

Lenin's government

In principle, he only nationalized the banks, leaving the companies out of his reach, since he did not see any benefit in such action and could only make certain groups act in retaliation.

Another of the characteristic elements during the Lenin government was that it concealed quite well the prohibition of having another party other than the Revolutionary Socialist Party, an element that we will find already uncovered from 1921.

We can say that the government of said politician was stained by the tremendous civil war that occurred due to the reaction of the tsarists the new government installed, thus from 1918-1921, we will find the confrontation of the red army against the Tsarists, who were supported by foreign powers, who saw with bad eyes what was happening in the country.

Shortly after the victory, in the year 1924 he died after having suffered several strokes, therefore it can be said that he was barely functioning in his position. What all historians agree is that Lenin was the ideologue who promoted the Bolsheviks to take control of the government and by means of a series of stratagems he managed to make it the only party that could appear at the polls, thus making it unfeasible for another idea to appear in the new Russia.

Lenin and Stalin: differences - Who was Lenin

Stalin 1879-1953.

To know the differences between Lenin and Stalin let's focus now on the figure of the second. His appearance in politics is linked to Social Democratic Workers Party In 1899, acting as a propagandist, he was imprisoned from 1902-1913, interspersed by periods out of jail, all related to disturbing public order and encouraging the revolution.

We know that the relationship with Lenin was good, so much so that in 1912 he was appointed as a member of the Central Committee of the party. From that moment on we find him in the front line of the political apparatus, as an advisor to the head of government himself and on the other hand as a military leader during the civil war.

From the year 1922 we will find the first public differences with Lenin's regime, which even in his testament advised the party to dismiss Stalin within this, said document was hidden by the latter and became known after his death in the year 1953.

We know that after the death of Lenin, there is an alliance to fight against Trotsky, who was the candidate to succeed the president. As Stalin concealed Lenin's testament, the whole world saw him as a clear successor and from the party he manipulated the members to vote him as the future president.

Once in power, from 1929 on we will find a fairly tough policy to improve agricultural productivity which was based on the withdrawal of properties from the peasants, so that they were worked by all, this made many owners were killed in clashes, especially in Ukraine, this fact took much more force during the year of 1930.

That same year it can be said that his political terror campaign, where he began to carry out purges, arrests and deportations to the labor camps of the USSR (which we can say were much worse than the concentration camps of the Nazis). Little by little, through this type of action, he obtained all power until he was the only force within the party, which he modeled at ease.

Lenin and Stalin: differences - Stalin 1879-1953

The differences between Lenin and Stalin.

As we have been mentioning throughout the lesson, the differences between Lenin and Stalin lie in the fact that one used his knowledge to turn a party into the only viable party within a country without need even to eliminate the different private properties, in which we will find the companies of the country.

While another, through the use of force and oppression, took away the freedoms of the same people that in 1917 had risen up against a similar system. Stalin's policy resulted in Russia rising rapidly and becoming a great power, but in the long run it sentenced her to fall into an incredible spiral of poverty that in the 1980s was already very visible.

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