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Consequences of GLOBALIZATION

Consequences of globalization

At present, the world has become a great globalized entity, being a movement on a global scale that produces a great communication and interdependence between different nations of the world, increasingly creating a more united world. To talk about what happens due to globalization in this lesson from a PROFESSOR we must talk about the consequences of globalization.

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  1. What is globalization?
  2. Positive consequences of globalization
  3. Negative consequences of globalization

What is globalization?

Before talking about the globalizationand its consequences we must begin to deal with the definition of this element, in order to understand the concept and thanks to it to be able to see the consequences.

Globalization is a process based on great communication and interdependence between all nations of the world, causing a connection between economic, cultural or social factors in all the world.

Characteristics of globalization

To better understand what globalization is, we must comment on the main elements that make up this process, listing some of its main characteristics in order to know it best. The

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main characteristics of globalization are as follows:

  • It's a world phenomenon, affects the entire planet equally.
  • It affects all the factors of life, both political and cultural as almost any field.
  • Globalization means that the ideas of the more developed countries expand more than the less developed.
  • The great creations of the last decades such as the internet, mobile phones or the fastest airplanes have caused the growth of globalization.
  • Seeks the creation of a world economic modelAn example being the creation of the Euro as the currency of the European economic system.
  • The migrations They are key in globalization, serving for the movement of people between different countries and achieving this a great change of cultural ideas.

Positive consequences of globalization.

When talking about the consequences of globalization we must divide it into two sections, on the one hand being those elements that have been positive for humanity and that have arisen from globalization, and on the other hand all those negative things that this phenomenon has caused in humanity. In this particular section we will talk about the benefits of globalization, which are the following.


The opening of the economy to a global world causes a great evolution, since people no longer have a national market limitation, being able to sell anywhere in the world in an increasingly simple and natural way. Growing business makes globalization good for the economy.


Globalization has allowed political elements such as the democracy or the rights of women and foreigners have spread throughout the world, since although in much of the Western world they were values ​​existing for a long time years it was not like that in other nations that little by little due to the influence of globalization have been changing in this sense.


The social life of human beings has changed in a total way due to the appearance of the globalization, with the emergence of easier ways of traveling, the arrival of new medical methods and jobs, generally improved standard of living, less inequality and a large number of social values ​​emerged from this new globalized world.


Values ​​such as culture or science have been expanded throughout the world, being very simple that a scientific innovation move from one nation to the whole world in no time or be able to watch a movie from one country to the whole world even with a translation in no time. Thanks to this, anyone can learn more easily the culture of another nation, serving to know the whole world.

Negative consequences of globalization.

To finish this lesson on the consequences of globalization we must talk about the negative facts arising from this process, since although in many aspects it has been beneficial in others it has brought great negative changes and especially in those smaller and less powerful nations.


The great companies have become great powers and dominate the market for their products around the world, making it increasingly difficult to open small local businesses for the difficulty of fighting against companies with a much larger size and that dominate the market both nationally and international. The use of the common currency is also another problem, since it can harm certain nations to favor others.


Appearance of large international institutions such as the EU or NATO whereby nations have less and less autonomy to make their own decisions without their own intervention, and it is increasingly common for a nation's decisions to come from outside. At the same time they cause extremist movements in certain countries to spread across the globe.


It causes the expansion of great social problems such as diseases, international crime or social inequalities. It also causes people from the poorest nations to seek to go to the richest, in order to seek a better life but causing a clash of cultures.


The Imposition of western culture, both European and American, causes the cultural essence of small nations to be lost, which see how it is increasingly common for their nation to be surrounded by products of the United States or holidays foreign. The culture of the little ones is increasingly disappearing for this reason, and can end up in a unicultural world, an example being the growth of english as a world language.

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