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The best 10 Psychologists in Cuajimalpa

The psychologist Patricio madrigal She has more than 20 years of professional experience behind her and is currently a specialist in attending online to adolescents, adults and also elderly people who may be going through a bad moment.

His intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach, one of the most used by psychologists around the world, along with other effective therapies with which she treats cases of anxiety and depression, addictions, codependency, cases of ADHD and deficits in the skills of coping.

Patricio Madrigal has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de México, has a Postgraduate Degree in Existential Psychotherapy, a Master's Degree in Sciences of the Education, a Diploma in Transpersonal Psychology and also has two Training Courses in Mindfulness in Education and Mindfulness for Children and Teenagers.

The psychologist Mariana Gutierrez Flores She is a specialist both in the field of Clinical Psychology and in Occupational Psychology, which is why which her intervention is integrative in nature and attends to all aspects of the person's life.

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Her intervention is adapted at all times to the needs of adults both individually and in couples and it is offered online, with all the comforts and possible attention to the person attended.

This professional is a specialist in attending to all kinds of alterations, some of the most notable being the addictions and substance abuse, work problems, anxiety, depression, work conflicts and divorce.

The psychologist Maria de Jesus Gutierrez She has been serving people of all ages for more than 10 years, that is, children, adolescents, adults and also couples who may be going through a bad time.

His intervention is also offered online and is based on the joint application of the approach cognitive-behavioral together with various highly effective therapies, all of them adapted to the needs the client's.

In your consultation you will find a professional specialized in successfully attending to cases of anxiety and depression, the processes of divorce, autism spectrum disorders, guardianship and custody processes, ADHD, codependency and abuse of substances.

María de Jesús Gutiérrez is a Graduate in Clinical Psychology from the Universidad del Norte, she is an Expert in Legal Psychology and Forensic and she has Diplomas in Medical Sexology, Developmental Disorders, Couples Therapy and Disorders of the State of Cheer up.

The online psychotherapy center Emotional Astronaut is another of the most prominent in all of Mexico and its team of professionals is specialized in attend in the best possible way to adolescents and young people, of all ages, adults and also couples

The intervention of this center is based on the integrated application of the best therapies with proven efficacy adapted to each client, among which stand out the cognitive-behavioral approach, Humanist Therapy and Brief Therapy.

Besides that, the main specialties of the Emotional Astronaut center are the emotional problems of all kinds, anxiety, impulsivity, depression, insomnia, stress and deficits in the management of go to.

The psychologist Victor Fernando Pérez López He graduated in Psychology from the Universidad del Valle de Atemajac and over more than 15 years of experience he has specialized in serving adolescents, adults and also the elderly.

His intervention is individualized and is offered from the Brief Systemic Therapy, one of the most used by the psychology professionals because it is based on the scientific method, and integrated together with other orientations effective.

Currently its services are offered online and some of its main intervention specialties are addictions, codependency, low self-esteem, gender-based violence, low self-esteem, anxiety, suicidal ideations and processes of divorce.

The Clinical Psychologist Lewis Alcantara Throughout his long career, he has specialized in serving adults of all ages, couples and families, all online and with full guarantees.

Her intervention integrates the cognitive-behavioral approach together with Humanist Therapy and Neurofeedback, all of them adapted to each client and with the which deals with cases of anxiety and depression, family conflicts, stress, codependency, sexual identity disorders and infidelities.

Graduated in Clinical Psychology from the Intercontinental University, this professional has a Diploma in Thanatology and Grief, a Diploma in Logotherapy and Existential Analysis, another Diploma in Couples Therapy and a Postgraduate Diploma in Clinical Psychotherapy with Focus Logotherapeutic.

The psychologist Adriana serrano She has been successfully serving people of all ages for more than 25 years, also in the sphere of the couple and at present her services are offered electronically.

Graduated in Psychology from UNAM, this therapist has a Diploma in Gestalt Humanist Psychotherapy, a Master in Thought Models, a Diploma in Emotion Management and another Diploma in Programming Neurolinguistics.

In her consultation you will find a professional specialist in jointly applying various classic and avant-garde therapies, such as the cognitive-behavioral approach, Mindfulness or NLP.

Regarding her main intervention specialties, school difficulties can be highlighted, divorce processes, family conflicts, anxiety, depression and addiction to video game.

The Clinical Psychologist Montserrat Martinez She is a graduate of UNAM, has a Master's degree in Behavioral Medicine and has been a resident at the Salvador Zubirán National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition.

His intervention is offered online and based on the cognitive-behavioral methodology, with which he attends cases of anxiety and depression, chronic pain, impulsivity, behavior problems and obesity.

The Clinical Psychologist Marian Martínez Zayas She has a degree in Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana, she has a Master's degree in Psychoanalysis from the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico and is also a specialist in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy.

His intervention is offered both in person and online and in his consultation he attends to adults and adolescents. who may present grieving processes, cases of depression, post-traumatic stress, work stress or disorder obsessive compulsive.

The psychologist Luis Gerardo Montes He is a specialist in caring for people of all ages who may have addictions, cases of anxiety or depression, phobias, personality disorders or post-traumatic stress, all this both in person and on-line.

Luis Gerardo Montes has a Master's Degree in Psychoanalytic Psychotherapy, a Training Course of Different Approaches in Psychoanalytic Interpretation and throughout his career he has been a speaker at various congresses of psychology.

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