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The 11 best Psychologists who are experts in Couples Therapy in Valladolid

The Clinical Psychologist Marta Juliana Garrido De Frutos be part of the team of professionals at the prestigious Institute of Psychode Psychology, where it serves people of all ages and also couples, both online and in person.

His intervention is of an integrative nature and in it he jointly applies various therapies of proven efficacy such as Therapy Systemic, the cognitive-behavioral approach or the Third Generation Therapies, all of them adapted to the needs of each person.

His intervention specialties include anxiety and depression disorders, emotional problems, deficits in anger management, substance abuse and illness Chronicles.

The therapist Jesus Mª Pérez He is another of the most prominent professionals in the field of couples therapy and his sessions are They offer both in person and remotely depending on the preferences of the person attended.

Graduated in Contemporary History from the University of Valladolid, this professional has a Master's Degree in Programming Neurolinguistics, another Master in Couple and Family Psychology, a Training Course in Mindfulness and another Training Course in Coaching Personal and Professional.

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His intervention integrates different effective therapies such as NLP, Mindfulness or Coaching, with which he addresses conflicts family and partner, low self-esteem, deficits in anger management, stress, internet addiction and addiction to video game.

Jose Martin del Pliego He is a psychologist specialized in psychotherapy and sexology, and offers therapy both in person at the Los Tilos Medical Center, and through the online modality by video call. With more than 20 years of experience behind it, it is one of the most recommended options to overcome emotional problems or dysfunctional ways of communicating and living together.

He has a degree in Psychology from the UAM, and has Masters in Clinical Psychology (CINTECO Madrid), in Sexology (Fundación Sexpol), Reciprocal Interaction Therapy (European Institute of Time-Limited Psychotherapies) and Direct Clinical Hypnosis (Official School of Hypnosis).

The professionals of the Institute of Psychode Psychology They have specialized, for more than 15 years, in addressing all kinds of disorders and problems in the field of sexual and couples therapy both in person and online.

The center's intervention modality is based on the joint work of the entire team, which meets periodically, to offer the best results for each case. In addition to that, the main therapies that are applied are Cognitive-behavioral Therapy, EMDR Therapy, Mindfulness and Brief Therapy, all of them with ample scientific evidence.

Regarding the main intervention specialties of the Psicode center, cases of depression, conflicts family, cases of infidelity, deficits of self-esteem, emotional problems of all kinds and deficits in the management of go to.

The psychologist Inés González Carballo has specialized in serving couples and families in any area or reason for consultation that may affect a correct relationship both in the emotional and behavioral fields, both in the face-to-face mode and telematics.

In the Cabinet of Psychology that she directs, she works with a team of multidisciplinary professionals specialized in the field of the couple and especially in applying proven efficacy therapies such as Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, integrated with other tools such as Coaching.

Thus, the main intervention specialties of Inés González in the field of couples therapy are problems of communication, emotional distancing, separation or divorce processes, cases of infidelity or loss of desire sexual.

Finally, it is worth highlighting the main qualifications of this professional, which are a Master in Clinical Psychology and Psychopathology, a Higher European Degree in Psychology and a Ph. D. her as a Doctor in Clinical Psychology from the International University of Cambridge.

The psychologist Núria González Marciel She graduated from UNED in 2000, she has a Master's Degree in Behavior Modification and is an expert in sexual and couples therapy.

Throughout her career, this psychologist has worked in different health centers treating people of all ages, and currently offers a psychological care service to couples and families who request it through the application of basic therapy cognitive-behavioral.

Therefore, among her intervention specialties, which she also attends telematically, the sexual dysfunctions, self-esteem deficits, relationship problems, anxiety disorders and depression.

The psychologist Vanessa sanz She has a degree from the Complutense University of Madrid, she has training in behavior disorders in children and adolescents, as well as in Transactional Analysis and Biofeedback Techniques.

In her consultation in Valladolid, this professional attends to the main problems that may appear in a couple relationship, among which highlights difficulties in communication, frequent discussions, separation or divorce processes and problems in the field sexual.

In addition to that, each of the interventions are based on the application of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, a guidance focused on dealing with the person's current problems and modifying negative thoughts of the person, along with other therapies.

The psychologist Gemma Rodriguez Fernandez He has an experience of more than 20 years in which he has specialized in serving people of all ages, as well as couples and families both in person and remotely and also through address.

His intervention integrates different therapies of proven efficacy and some of the specialties that he addresses are the self-esteem problems, conflicts in the child-parent relationship, infertility and problems behavioral

Among his most relevant qualifications, a Bachelor's Degree from the University of Salamanca can be highlighted, a specialty in Clinical Psychology and extensive training in Infertility, Assisted Reproduction and Adoptions.

The General Health Psychologist Juan Angel Benito Cortijo He has a degree in Clinical Psychology, is a Specialist in Psychopathology and Clinical Intervention and is an Expert in Psychological Intervention with Minor Victims of Gender Violence.

Her work modality is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, an orientation with which she addresses cases of depression, grieving processes, addictions, sexual dysfunctions and psychological trauma in Adults.

David gomez She is also a General Santiario Psychologist, has a Master's Degree in Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and is an expert in psychological intervention in alcoholism and gender violence.

Her intervention is offered to couples and families of all kinds both in person and at home, some of which are of her specialties, communication problems, emotional dependence, infidelities and dysfunctions sexual.

The psychologist Maribel Barrero Aguirre She is an expert in serving couples and families through cognitive-behavioral therapy applied in conjunction with others such as Acceptance and Commitment Therapy.

Some of the problems he addresses in the field of couples therapy are sexual dysfunctions, relationship problems, obsessive-compulsive disorders, self-esteem deficits, and depression.

His qualifications include a Specialty in Clinical Psychology and a Master in Education and Prevention of Gender Violence.

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