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Coup d'état by Primo de Rivera

Coup d'état by Primo de Rivera - Summary

The situation of the Spanish Government early 1923 it was unsustainable due to problems with very important members of the army. These problems came mainly from the inability on the part of the Government to maintain the protectorate exercised by Spain in Morocco, a fact that would be fully endorsed with the release of Spanish officers in exchange for an economic reward to Morocco. In this lesson from a TEACHER we bring you a summary of the coup d'état of Primo de Rivera, a stage within the Spanish monarchy somewhat ambiguous, due to the fact of being a dictatorship allowed by the same monarch.

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  1. Background to the coup d'état of Primo de Rivera
  2. The coup d'état of Primo de Rivera
  3. September 14
  4. Conclusions to the coup

Background to the coup d'état of Primo de Rivera.

As we mentioned in the introduction to our summary of the Primo de Rivera coup, the tensions between the government and the most recalcitrant members and traditionalists of the Spanish army were very visible.

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It is in this scenario that we will find the first performance of the until then captain general of Catalonia, Miguel Primo de Rivera, the which, after a meeting with all his generals, sent Niceto Alcalá-Zamora, minister of war, a telegram expressing his disappointment and of all his military for the permissiveness of the government before the anti-patriotic press that put in between said the military forces of the Condition.

In this way, he urged her to do something against those conspiracies as well as teach her a strong lesson. to the Riffians who, after the Annual disaster, had exposed the Spanish troops in Africa. Before this telegram we know that the minister only reminded the military that they owed loyalty to the regime.

The message sent by Miguel Primo de Rivera would not be the only one, since the vast majority of the Spanish territories where detachments were found were sending telegrams to the Government asking for responsibilities both with the press and with the attacks that the troops were suffering in Morocco.

After not paying too much attention from the government, the military leadership devised a conspiracy to end the liberal government and establish a military government that was endorsed by Alfonso XIII. In this way they began to probe the possible candidates to be the scapegoat, meeting with many denials along the way. The gazes were fixed on Cousin of Rivera, for being in Madrid, because the Government wanted to move him away from Catalonia where he was getting too much force.

Coup d'état of Primo de Rivera - Summary - Background to the coup d'état of Primo de Rivera

The coup d'état of Primo de Rivera.

Shortly before the coup took place, a series of very important events took place in the peninsula, which once again provoked the ire of the military. In Malaga there was a mutiny of the troops that had to go to Morocco at the hands of Cape Barroso, who, Instead of being tried for disobedience and treason by the army court, he was acquitted by the government itself. This was labeled a weakness on his part, since the penalties established for traitors were not carried out.

In this way, between September 4-9, 1923, a series of meetings took place in Madrid between Miguel Primo de Rivera and the different members of the coup leadership. At the same time, Alfonso XIII was informed of an imminent change in power, and in this way the monarch decided to go to his residence in San Sebastián, away from the focus of the conflict.

Continuing with our summary of the coup d'état of Primo de Rivera, we must talk about another of the reasons that occurred in those weeks: the recommendation of the General Staff of the Army of end the rebellion of Abd-el-Krim in Morocco, to which many ministers objected, of which four decided to resign.

In turn the day of the Diada in Barcelona resulted in the booing of the flag and of all the Spanish elements among which was the army, before this Primo de Rivera did not let more time pass and warned his military colleagues that the hour. That way I entered at 00h of September 13, 1923, the declaration of State of War was produced by Miguel Primo de Rivera throughout Catalonia, the military going out to the streets to take over the main buildings. After this it is known that the captain general, sent telegrams to all the captaincies of Spain (except Madrid) and of these only the one in Valencia would not support the coup.

For his part, Alfonso XIII was in San Sebastián while all this was happening and, when he found out what happened, he sent telegrams to the different captaincies to find out what the aspirations of the military. In this way, a telegram was sent to Miguel Primo de Rivera from the Royal House, ordering him to keep Barcelona in order.

Coup d'état of Primo de Rivera - Summary - Coup d'état of Primo de Rivera

Image: Slideshare

September 14.

That day he was chosen by the monarch to return to Madrid and deliberate on what should be done at that time. After meeting with the Prime Minister, Manuel García Prieto, he resigned, because the monarch did not seem to have any intention of forcing Primo de Rivera to resign.

That way at a quarter past one in the afternoon, Alfonso XIII granted power to the captain general of Catalonia, urging him to travel to Madrid, where he would meet him.

Conclusions to the coup.

To conclude with our summary on the coup d'état of Primo de Rivera, we must say that society was very dividedBecause, on the one hand, we will find a large sector of the population that viewed the government's actions with bad eyes; In this group we will find both people belonging to the nobility and aristocracy, as well as the military or ordinary people.

On the contrary, the sector of rejection came from the hand of the sectors of the left and some part of the bourgeoisie, who saw in the coup a return to the previous era, in which the military had too much power.

For his part the Royal House seems to have been in favor of Primo de Rivera, since studies carried out on the speeches made by the monarch years before, gave the idea that he was not very happy with the parliamentary system imposed in Spain, which he warned did not work as should. So much so that even the Carlists and their suitor, Don Jaime, willingly accepted what Primo de Rivera had done, since they saw a return to the traditional values ​​of society.

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